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Discarnate Girl from Waverly Hills Sanatorium 
Examine the bottom right-hand of the pic. See the little girl? We have outlined her in red. Upon close examination you will see that she is partially embedded in this portion of the double door. You may need to zoom in or enlarge the pic to get good detail. Since this photo was taken on the 3rd floor @ WHS, we believe this to be the "Girl Ghost" that supposedly haunts this floor of the facility. --- (Photo by Roger Clark, July 2, 2005)

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

I do see the little girl in this picture
Rebecca | | June 09, 2006

Us too. My mother can see it in it's original state (with out the inversion and all the playing around with the contrast, I could not). The area that you see her is really almost jet black in the original because the flash doesn't appear to reach that far back in the hallway, but my father in law saw her with the naked eye and took her pic. Again, thanks for your interest :)
Tim | | June 12, 2006

i wish i could get a better look
nicholas wiley | | June 25, 2006