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Here, these little guys are just floating around the ceiling.

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

I have looked at every one of the pictures and I honestly do not think any of them are orbs, I think it is just dust.

Usually when ti comes ot orbs thier is only one maybe two not a whole bunch and like I said in another pic orbs and dust look VERY much alike
Chrissy | | June 11, 2006

I have to disagree. You have to remember that at the height of this epidemic, 63,000 people died in this building. I'm sure most of the things I see are orbs. I just think you are slightly not into believing this type of thing.
Rie | October 29, 2006

I agree with the theory on the differances between dust and orbs but there appears to be an orb behind the pipe (on the upper center left of photo)which is obviously not dust because dust can not hide behind an object and make an appearence so large on a photo.
Carlos | | December 24, 2007