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Welcome to our picture album. Here we will show you some of our paranormal pictures, along with some that are not paranormal. We want you to be able to compare abnormalities so that you can better judge what may be in some of your own photos. Enjoy!

Nice, active hallway.

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

Maybe I am just seeing things but at the almost end on the right next to the red writing their seems to be a upper part of what looks to be a boys body..
Chrissy | | June 11, 2006

ya crissy your not seeint things i see what you see to and it kinds freaks me out but if you look a lil closer it looks like a girl in a way.
kirsten | | July 27, 2006

There seems to be 2 spirits in the middle of the picture at the end of the hallways and if u look really closely there seems to be a face peeking out as if spying on the other 2 spirits(behind the 2 spirits) this stuff is freaky!!! Does anybody else see that?

Mary | | December 24, 2007