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Nice, active hallway.

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

Maybe I am just seeing things but at the almost end on the right next to the red writing their seems to be a upper part of what looks to be a boys body..
Chrissy | | June 11, 2006

ya crissy your not seeint things i see what you see to and it kinds freaks me out but if you look a lil closer it looks like a girl in a way.
kirsten | | July 27, 2006

There seems to be 2 spirits in the middle of the picture at the end of the hallways and if u look really closely there seems to be a face peeking out as if spying on the other 2 spirits(behind the 2 spirits) this stuff is freaky!!! Does anybody else see that?

Mary | | December 24, 2007