Chapter 14 – Hope


Brian could not contain his excitement.


“Yeah man, it’s me. I’m right here Kev.” He signaled with his arm to anyone who might be nearby. Dr. Hite whispered to a nurse to tell her to get Mrs. Richardson.


“How do you feel?”


Kevin closed his eyes in a soft grimace. He was still ghastly pale.


“Terrible,” he managed to say, although it was hard for Brian to hear him. Ann Richardson hurried into the room.


“Kevin!” she gasped. “Oh thank God.”


“Mom?” Kevin asked, trying to focus his attention on her.


“It’s me honey. I’m here.”


Kevin said nothing for a moment, trying to sort things out in his confused brain. He refocused on Ann. “Why?”


Brian stifled a chuckle. “’Cause she’s your mom, numbskull.”


“What happened?” He was genuinely lost as to what was going on.


“You were in an accident,” Brian said softly. “You and me, and Howie, A.J., and Nick. But you’re going to be ok, got that?”


Kevin nodded. “I’m so tired,” he murmured.


“That’s ok. You get some sleep. We’ll explain everything when you feel better, ok?”


Kevin nodded again, drifting off. Brian and Ann turned to Dr. Hite, brimming with enthusiasm. He motioned for them to move outside.


“Well,” he began with a smile. “Obviously, this is wonderful. He’s still got a long ways to go, but the fact that he was responsive to your questions and seemed to know who you were is fantastic news.”


Brian barely heard him. The joy of hearing Kevin’s voice again overwhelmed him.


*     *     *


“Can’t this thing go any faster?” Brian asked in irritation to the nurse who was pushing his wheelchair.


“We’ll get there, don’t worry,” she said, exasperated.


He drummed his fingers anxiously. He had to get to Howie and A.J. to tell them the good news. He pressed the oxygen tube up closer to his nose, feeling a bit short of breath. The nurse saw him.


“Whoa there,” she said, halting him. “Are you feeling ok?”


“I’m fine. Just get me to Howie and A.J.”


“How is your breathing? Are you short of breath?”


“Just a little, but I’m fine. Don’t worry,” he said when he saw her pointed look. “I am not going to pass out!”


“You can tell the good news to your friends, but then you are going to your room and resting.”


“But what if he wakes up again?”


“Then his mother and Dr. Hite or Dr. Westin can talk to him. You are going to rest.” He scowled at her. “It’s my way or no way,” she said firmly.


Brian caved. “Fine. Let’s go already.”


Howie and A.J. were playing cards. A.J. was feeling particularly well that afternoon, after sleeping half of the day away.


Howie had taken that opportunity wander around a bit. He’d stopped up to see Kevin and Nick earlier in the day, but Dr. Westin hadn’t approved of his wanderings. Despite all of the extra security, he was concerned Howie would be spotted by the wrong people and get mobbed. So, he had come back to his room, and was thankful when A.J. woke up and felt like being ‘active.’ The fact that he had received his hat, which he was now proudly displaying, had put him in a much more cheerful mood than before.


“I win again,” he said with a cocky grin.


“That’s because you cheat,” Howie retorted.


“Hey,” A.J. warned. “I can have you tossed out of here on your ass, you know. You don’t have to be here. You are my guest.” He put large emphasis on the ‘you,’ removing his hat and pointing at him with it. Howie didn’t get a chance to reply because Brian appeared, breathless in their doorway.


“He’s awake!”


“What?” they both exclaimed.


“Kevin’s awake!”


“Shit, that’s great!” A.J. cried, jerking forward. He scrunched up his face when his ribs objected to his action. “Ouch, damnnit!”


“When?” Howie asked, getting carefully out of his chair.


“Just a few minutes ago. He opened his eyes, and he knew who I was.”


“That’s incredible! When can we see him?” Howie yelped.


“Well, he’s sleeping now. I don’t know when he’ll wake up again. Ask Dr. Westin.”


“Oh this is great,” Howie said breathlessly. “Now if only we could get Nick to come around…”


*     *     * 


The next afternoon, Howie prepared to leave for the press conference. His trip out to the hotel went more smoothly than they expected, considering everyone had heard about the press conference, and knew that Howie would be leaving the hospital.


Sure enough, there were cheers and squeals from excited fans as he was escorted out, but security kept them back a good distance. He reached the hotel in one piece, where familiar faces from the record company were waiting to escort him inside. He shook hands with the people he knew, and they told him how happy they were to see him up and about. He had received flowers from most of them, as had all of the others.


“Give us a few more minutes to get everyone settled out there, and then we’ll get this thing started,” someone told him.


“No problem,” Howie said, and walked over to a chair with the help of his cane. “Just make sure I’ve got some water out there, and make sure everyone knows this needs to be on the short side. I promised my doctor I wouldn’t overdo it.”


When they were ready for him, someone came to help him out to his seat.


“Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Howie Dorough of the Backstreet Boys.”


Chapter 15
