Chapter 19 – Shattered


“The music world is rejoicing today as it had been made public that Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys has finally regained consciousness. Carter along with fellow band members A.J. McLean, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson, and Brian Littrell were critically injured in a motor vehicle accident almost two weeks ago when their tour bus was sideswiped just outside of San Antonio, TX. Fans everywhere have been showing their support for the band, sending cards and letters, and gathering together to express their sympathies. The question now that everyone wants answered is whether or not the Backstreet Boys will continue as a group or go their separate ways…”


“Rumors are flying that the Backstreet Boys have called it quits. An inside source says that the members of the popular boy band have been leaning towards splitting up in the wake of a terrible highway accident that almost claimed the lives of two of them. The last to regain consciousness, Nick Carter, is said to suffer from memory loss and may never be able to perform again due to a leg injury. We are still waiting for an official statement on the matter…”


“The overwhelming question on the minds of thousands of teenage girls right now is whether the Backstreet Boys will choose to continue on together in the music industry. A motor vehicle accident that almost claimed their lives almost two weeks ago has left their fate up in the air. Local radio stations have been flooded with calls looking for updates on the Boy’s conditions and Carson Daly of MTV has said that that network has been bombarded with young girls looking for answers. No one is saying yet what they may or may not do…”


*     *     *


The next day, Brian was granted permission to get out of bed. He waited anxiously as the nurse got his wheelchair and helped him into it. His aches and pains had subsided significantly, and he was ready to be out of his room. They were careful not to disturb Kevin, who was sleeping, on their way out. Nick was still in the ICU, but Dr. Hite said that if he continued doing as well as he was, that he could be moved out as early as tomorrow afternoon.


When he got there, Brian couldn’t believe the difference in Nick’s appearance as he was carted into his room. Some of the color had retuned to his face, although he was still ghastly pale. He still wore the bandage around his head, but the lack of machines surrounding him made him look more like Nick, and not some stranger.


“Nick?” Brian called hesitantly. Nick stirred and opened his eyes.


“Brian!” Nick said, a slow smile spreading over his features. Brian was surprised at how young and vulnerable he looked. He was a good four inches taller, but Brian felt so much bigger for some reason.


Brian grinned. “Boy am I glad to hear your voice.”


“It’s good to see you,” Nick said sincerely. His memories of the dream and the crippling pain had almost faded away. “Where have you been?”


“Didn’t they tell you?” Brian said with a flash of anger. A.J. had promised that he would tell him why he wasn’t there.


“Who?” Nick asked.


“Howie and A.J.”


“Oh. They may have,” Nick said uncomfortably. “They just came to see me.”


“They’ve been here everyday,” Brian said, confused.


“Oh. That’s right.”


Realization struck him. “Right. Your head. They told me you’d be like Kevin.”


“What’s the matter with Kevin?”


“Well, he got his head banged around the same as you. I had to tell him what day it was about six times yesterday.”


“What day is it?”




A chuckle from the door interrupted them. They both turned towards the door.


“Will you look at that. Frick and Frack together again! May God have mercy on our souls. The terrible duo will be up to no good in no time for sure.”


“A.J., I thought you weren’t supposed to be on your crutches up here,” Brian scolded.


A.J. scowled at him. “Not so loud! Do you wanna get me in trouble?”


“You don’t have to get in it. It finds you.”


“Why are you on crutches?” Nick asked.


“Accident. Remember?”


“You were in that?”


“Yup. We all were,” Brian reminded him. “We were still on tour, remember?”


“Yes. I do now.”


“Nick, I just wanted to tell you that Brian here has been an absolute basket case waiting for you to wake up. He was driving us, and not to mention himself, absolutely batty. So praise God that you woke up.”


Nick smiled, not entirely understanding.


“Well, I’ll let you two be alone for awhile. See ya!” He turned around and hopped slowly away.


“I think that’s A.J.’s way of saying he missed you and is glad you’re back,” Brian told him.


“Where did I go?” Nick asked, baffled.


Brian grinned. “You didn’t really go anywhere. But you were in a coma for over a week.”


“That long?”


“Yup. Scared the shit out of me. I thought we were going to lose you.”


“Is that why you were crying?” Nick asked him.


Brian was startled. “What did you say?”


“You were crying.”


“Yeah, I was. Kinda embarrassing, isn’t it?” He wasn’t sure what to make of what Nick was saying. Nick hadn’t seen him cry. Had the guys told him?


Nick smiled. “You never cry.”


“Not usually. I’m trying not to make a habit of it. What would the fans think?”


Nick chuckled. “Yeah. Pansy.” He frowned a little, looking uncomfortable.


“What is it?” Brian asked, concerned.


“I don’t know,” Nick said slowly. “Something doesn’t feel right.”




“My stomach. It just feels… I don’t know. Weird.”


“Do you want me to get a doctor?”


“No, I think it’s ok. It’s been acting up all day.”


“Are you sure?”


He was about to complain about Brian mothering him too much when a bolt of fire shot through his belly. His eyes went wide and it was all he could do to keep from crying out.


“Nick!” Brian cried. “What’s wrong?”


“Stomach,” he whispered. “Oh God, I feel like I’m on fire…”


“Hang on, I’ll get someone.”


Nick nodded, terrified. He did not want Brian to leave him. Brian could see the fear in his eyes, and rather than leave his friend, he reached out with one hand and gripped his hand while smacking the call button beside his bed with the other. It wasn’t really necessary. The machines that Nick was still connected to started to wail, alerting the nurses that something was wrong.


“Nick, stay with me man. Come on Frack, look at me.”


Nick tried to obey, but his body didn’t want to. Brian’s voice seemed to be getting farther and farther away.


Brian shook Nick’s arm, trying to get him to focus. His head had fallen back on the pillow, and he was sweating profusely. Brian couldn’t get him to snap out of it. In horror he watched as his best friend’s eyes fluttered closed, and hand Brian held onto like a lifetime went limp. Dr. Hite rushed in, and hastily moved Brian out of his way. Icy fear gripped his heart. He couldn’t lose him. Not now, when he’d just gotten him back. He tried desperately to see over the activity that was now centered around Nick’s bed. He wasn’t moving, but the alarms were going wild. They looked like they were preparing to move him. An orderly came to move Brian out of the way.


“What’s happening?” he demanded. “Is he going to be ok?”


“I need to move you out of the way, Mr. Littrell, let them do their job.”


“Nick!” he yelled. “Talk to me!”


“They’re taking him out of there, and back to the OR. Please stay calm, let them help your friend.”




Chapter 20
