Fan Fiction Sites

Backstreet Escapes

Run by Danielle, home of probably the best fan fiction on the net. Anything you read there is guaranteed to be good, whether she wrote it or is hosting it for someone else. She's all about the best there is. She herself is a gifted writer. I still say she should quit her job and do nothing but write, she would wind up on the New York Times best seller list for sure. Probably her most well known work is on the "Grace" trilogy. If you haven't read it, drop what you're doing and read it now. Where have you BEEN?

The Kat's Meow

Home of Kat's fan fiction. I REALLY love her stories. She is a fantastic author, and her stories are absolutely incredible. Two of them ("Quit Playing Games" and "In Name Only") are mentioned on my favorite stories page, but there are several others to choose from. (Including "Salad Days," which I am rather fond of...) I recommend all of them. Do not miss out on her stories, and everything else her site has to offer!

Thoughts From The Heart

Run by Amy, Heather, Kasey, and Sandee. This site is probably the first quality fiction site I came across when I was first exploring the world of fan fiction. Amy is the author of "Switched," amongst many others. Definitely go check out her site.

Hobbies Odd

Oh. My. God. Words cannot even say how much I love what I found here. She goes by Lois Lane, but perhaps a better title is 'Goddess of Fiction.' And if you don't read it because it's *NSYNC, SHAME on you. This is writing at its finest, and if you appreciate a very well written anything, READ THIS. She has a sense of humor that will make you laugh till you bust a gut, and she can turn around and make you weep without batting an eye. Amazing.

Be The Stage, INC.

Home to Kellie's stories. I absolutely love the way she writes, her stories are simply a joy to read. She has written several, some complete and some in progress, and each of them are well worth your time. I just can't say enough about them. Go read!

Walking In The Clouds

Okay. Wow. Just wow. Bobbi is the web mistress, and she is incredible. Her stories are exactly the type that I search long and hard to find. She is original, (SOO original)and she does a wonderful job. I'm jealous. She won the Escape Award for "A Day In The Life..." Amazing, amazing, amazing!

Magic Spells and Laser Guns

This is a cool site. Not everything on it is top notch, but for all of you who are Legend fans, this is a good place for you to check out. Amy, who runs it, surfs the net for any fic (BSB and 'NSYNC alike) that have a sci-fi or fantasy theme to it. It's a neat idea that puts all of that genre in one place. If you know of any that aren't on it, drop her a line!

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