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Ability Modifiers:

Con +1; Str +2; Cha -2; Dex -1

Class Available:

Fighter (16), Gladiator (unlimited), Cleric (12), Thief (12), Trader, (14) Psionicist (unlimited)


 Male      50+2d4
 Female    48+2d4

 Male      180+4d10
 Female    170+4d10

 Starting  25+4d6
 Maximum   200+2d20
Dwarves have 25 CPs to spend on racial abilities.

The standart dwarf is a small, muscular human. Fine warriors and even finer weaponsmiths, they proove unable to learn any wizardly magic at all.

  Axe Bonus (5): +1 to hit with hand or battle axes.

Brewing (5): +2 to the Brewing proficiency score. The dwarf must have this proficiency to gain this benefit.

Crossbow bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with any crossbow.

Determine stability (5): The dwarf is an expert at determining whether the ground is stable. He can detect on a 1-4 on 1d6 times if there will be a dangerous tremour, collapse, rockfall or slide with a round of concentration.

Determine age (5): The dwarf can determine the approximate age of a structure on 1-5 on 1d6.

Dense skin (10): The dwarf suffers half damage from blunt weapons.

Detect poison (5): By sniffing food or drink, the PC can detect poison on a 1-4 on 1d6.

Evaluate gems (5): The PC with this ability can determine within 10% the value of any gem.

Expert haggler (5): Anything purchased by the PC costs 10% less than normal.

Focus (5): the player must determine a focus for his character, each time the focus (quest) is accomplished, he must state a new one. As long as the dwarf is directly involved in the accomplishment of his focus, he gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws and a +1 to all attack rolls.

Hit point bonus (10): The dwarf gains an additional hit point at each level.

Illusion resistant (5): The PC gains a +2 bonus to disbelieve illusions.

Infravision (10): The dwarf has infravision to at least 60 feet (some subraces more).

Mace bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with the footman's mace.

Magic resistance (10): The PC receives 10% magic resistance.

Mining detection abilities (10): The PC can determine the approximate depth underground, 1-3 on 1d6; detect any sliding or shifting walls or rooms, 1-4 on 1d6; detect any grade or slope in the passage he is passing through, 1-5 on 1d6; detect new construction in stonework, 1-5 on 1d6.

Pebble to boulder (5): At 5th level, the PC may cast pebble to boulder once a day.

Pick bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with military picks.

Saving throw bonuses (10): The PC gains a bonus to saves vs. poison and magical attacks from rods, wands, and spells based on his Constitution/Health score.

Score Bonus 4-6 +1; 7-10 +2; 11-13 +3; 14-17 +4; 18-20 +5.

Short sword bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with short swords.

Social Status (-5/0/5): As a -5 point bonus (thus, this is a penalty to gain more CPs!), the character starts out as a slave. As a 0 point ability, as a freeman. The character is member of the lesser nobility or a minor merchant house for 5 points. Dwarven characters can not begin in the upper nobility or a major merchant house at the beginning of their career.

Warhammer bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with the war hammer.

Dwarven Vulnerabilities

Hydrophobia (5): Many dwarves are not accustomed to traveling over water, and suffer a -2 penalty to reaction rolls when on board sea-going vessels or upon large bodies of water or the silt sea.

Enchanted items (n/a): All dwarves suffer a 20% chance that a magical item not specially suited to his character class will malfunction. These checks apply to magical wands, rods, staves, rings, amulets, potions, horns, and jewels. The check is made each time that the dwarf attempt to use the item. If a dwarf possesses a cursed item and it malfunctions, the dwarf will recognise the nature of the item and can safely dispose of it.