
Character Points: 40

Standard abilities: Cold resistance, fire resistance, infravision, magic resistance, mental fortitude, surprise bonus.

Aasimon bloodline – major I (5): The PC is immune to all forms of gas attacks. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness. Aasimon bloodline - major II (10): The PC is immune to poison. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Aasimon powers – minor (5): Once a day, the PC can cast cure light wounds, dispel magic, or protection from normal missiles. At 7th level, the PC can cast all these abilities once a day. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Aasimon powers – major (10): Once a week, the PC can cast heal, holy word, or spell turning. At 9th level, the PC can cast all these abilities once a week. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Armor bonus (5): The PC gains an additional +1 AC bonus when wearing any metal armor.

Celestial skin (15): The PC can be hit only by magical weapons.

Cold resistance (5/15): The PC suffers half damage from all cold attacks for 5 CPs. For 15 points, the PC suffers half damage from cold until 9th level, when the PC becomes completely immune to the cold.

Confer (10): With this option, an Aasimar may temporarily confer one of his racial abilities on a worthy being of good for the next 24 hours. The act takes one round and requires the Aasimar to touch the recipient. The PC loses that ability until the 24 hours have elapsed, at which time he regains the ability. The PC cannot cancel this conferral once it has taken place. This sacrifice is not taken lightly.

Detect lie (5): The PC may cast detect lie once a day.

Eladrin bloodline – major (5): PC is immune to magic missiles. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Eladrin powers – minor (5): Once a day, the PC may cast alter self, comprehend languages, or slow poison. At 7th level, the PC can cast all of these abilities once a day. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Eladrin powers – major (10): Once a week, the Aasimar may cast minor globe of invulnerability, polymorph self, or wall of force. At 9th level, PC can cast all these spells once a week.

Fire resistance (5): PC suffers half damage from all fire attacks. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Guardinal bloodline – major (10): PC is immune to all electrical attacks. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Guardinal powers – minor (5): Once a day, the PC can cast light, magic missile, or protection from evil 15' radius. At 7th level, PC can cast all these abilities once a day. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Guardinal powers – major (10): Once a week, the PC can cast hold monster, lightning bolt, or wall of ice. AT 9th level the PC can cast all of these abilities once a week. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Holy regeneration (10): While on any of the Upper Planes of Good, the PC regenerates hit points at the rate of 1 hp/round.

Infravision (5): PC possesses infravision to 60'.

Intuition bonus (10): PC raises Wisdom/Intuition sub-ability by +1.

Know alignment (5): The PC may cast know alignment once a day.

Lightform (10): Once a day, the PC may assume a lightform similar in function to the wizard spell wraithform (except this ability accesses an extra-dimensional space, not the ethereal plane). Once activated, the PC is identical in appearance to a light Aasimon (PMC1). At 5th level, the PC can assume a lightform twice a day.

Magic resistance (10): PC has 10% magic resistance.

Mental fortitude (5): +2 to saving throws against charm, fear, emotion, and domination type spells.

Muscle bonus (10): PC raises Strength/Muscle sub-ability by +1.

Power of life (20): As a direct descendent of the forces of life and goodness, the Aasimar is immune to death magic and level draining spells and attacks such as those from undead. The PC is not immune, however, to aging effects such as an attack from a ghost or a haste spell.

Rilmani bloodline – minor (5): PC suffers half damage from acid attacks. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Rilmani powers – minor (5): Once a day, the PC can cast blur, fly, or mirror image. At 7th level, the PC can cast all these spells once a day. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Rilmani powers – major (10): Once a week, the PC can cast advanced illusion, improved visibility, or solid fog. At 9th level, the PC can cast all of these abilities once a week. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Surprise bonus (5): The PC's unnatural hearing and other-planar alertness grant a +1 to all surprise checks.

Stamina bonus (10): The PC raises Strength/Stamina sub-ability by +1.

Sword bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with any sword.

Telepathy (5): At will, the PC can communicate telepathically with any Aasimon, Eladrin, Guardinal, Rilmani, or other intelligent being of the same alignment within a 20' radius.

Willpower bonus (10): PC raises Wisdom/Willpower sub-ability by +1.

Racial weakness options

Some Aasimar may inherit weaknesses from their Upper Planar parents. Aasimar PCs may select any or all of the following weaknesses to receive bonus CPs to purchase additional racial traits.

Iron weakness (+5): PC suffers double damage from any iron weapons.

Lower planar disorientation (+5): The good nature of the PC comes into severe conflict with the overwhelming evil of the lower planes. On any lower plane, the Aasimar becomes extremely uncomfortable and nauseous, suffering a –4 to THAC0 as well as a –4 to all surprise checks.

Susceptibility to fiendish magic (+5): The PC is more susceptible to the foul, unwholesome magics cast by fiends. PC receives a –1 to all saves versus magic used by fiends and also suffers an extra point of damage per die rolled from offensive spells employed by fiends.

Unholy water vulnerability (+5): The PC suffers 2d4 damage from a direct hit of unholy water. A splash of unholy water inflicts 1d4 hp damage.

Abilities available to all Planescape races

All Races

Alignment Affinity (5)

The PC is instantly aware of any beings within 20’ who possess the same alignment as himself. For example, a paladin knows when a lawful good Aasimar has just stepped behind him but does not learn the alignment of the lawful neutral good Deva crossing in front of him unless he employs some other means of divination.

Magical Perception (10)

Regardless of whether the PC is a spellcaster, he understands how the unique nature of his home plane affects magic. This includes which schools of magic are affected, how it is affected, and why ("You’re on Mechanus berk – wild magic is useless here and against the law."). This ability does not provide other magical insight, such as spell keys.

Planar Recognition (5)

Upon sight, the PC instantly recognizes any beings who originate from his home planet as a fellow native. Only true natives of the PC’s plane can be discerned. This ability does not grant the ability to recognize those who migrated to the PC’s home plane from another plane. The PC does not gain any other information about the beings he encounters.

Planar Resistance (5)

The PC receives a +3 bonus to all saves versus any naturally occurring phenomena on his home plane (plane of birth).

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