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While virtually all demons are chaotic and evil, there remains a small segment of semi-demons that are not. The breeding of demons and humans results in a large variety of creatures. While most favor their demon parent, some are more stongly human. It is this segment that usually choses to live amongst humankind, rather than in the layers of the Abyss.

While most demons have a wide variety of magical powers (including magic resistance and immunity to non-magical weapons), semi-demons only acquire them through long habitation and exposure to the Abyss. As the following semi-demons have chosen to live (almost) exclusively on the Prime Material plane, many of these abilities are not gained or are significantly weaker.


Alu-demons are the offspring of human males and succubi. They are invariably female. Alu-demons have the full human range of eye, skin, and hair colors, though thier skin color almost always retains a hue of red. They can pass as humans, with two exceptions: all alu-demons retain a small set of vestigial bat-like wings (which provide no flying ability) and a small set of horns protruding from the top of their forehead.

Alu-demons may become assassins, clerics, fighters, magic-users (including specialists), ninja, thieves, and multi-classed cleric/assassins, cleric/thieves, fighter/assassins, fighter/clerics, fighter/magic-users, fighter/thieves, magic-user/clerics, magic-user/assassins, and magic-user/thieves. Non-player character alu-demons may become alchemists and sages.

While alu-demons which reside on the Prime Material plane have no magic resistance or immunity to magical or iron/silver weapons, they do retain some special powers from their demonic parent. All save vs. Spells, Rods, Staves, and Wands at +4. They also can perform the following magical powers, up to 3 times per day each, at a level of experience equal to their highest class: suggestion, charm person, ESP. In addition, alu-demons who are magic-users may use a dimension door once per day.

All alu-demons have considerably tougher skin than usual. They have a natural Armor Class of 5. Wearing any non-magical armor with an AC of less than 5 does not provide any additional protection. Magical armor of such type only adds the magical bonus to the alu-demon's Armor Class. Thus, leather armor +1 provides AC 4 to an alu-demon. Armors with a base AC of 5 or more provide their normal protective power, whether magical or not.

Alu-demons have a severe aversion to anything made of cold-wrought iron. Weapons made of such material cause 50% greater damage than normal to an alu-demon, and items made of cold-wrought iron cannot be touched by an alu-demon, as it cuases them considerable pain (but no damage).

Alu-demons speak common. They have ultravision with a range of 240'.

Alu-demons have no modifiers to their ability rolls.