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Ash Genasi

In many respects, Ash Genasi are the opposite of their Smoke Genasi counterparts. Smoke Genasi don't like the wide open spaces of the wilderness, and instead prefer the closed-in hustle and bustle of a well-populated city. Scions of the Dying Embers, on the other hand, have little use for large cities and even less use for crowds. Residents of the Plane of Ash have a very solitary outlook on life, even more so than the residents of other planes, and this outlook manifests itself in the Ash Genasi's natural dislike of cities and crowds. This isn't to say that Ash Genasi are anti-social or that they don't like the trappings of civilization; they just prefer a less hectic existence free of large concentrations of civilization. Unsurprisingly, Ash Genasi and Halflings get along quite well.

When an Ash Genasi first leaves the Plane of Ash, they normally find themselves square in the middle of Sigil. Given their solitary natures, and given that Sigil is one of the largest, most crowded cities in the Multiverse, most Ash Genasi quickly decide that they've seen enough of the planes for one lifetime and head back to the Plane of Ash. Consequently, Scions of the Dying Embers are rarely found outside their native plane.

For some Ash Genasi, however, their natural curiosity about the Multiverse overcomes their initial reaction to Sigil. Other Ash Genasi find those rare gates, portals, or vortices that lead from the Plane of Ash to some place besides Sigil, and thus they don't experience the same "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" reaction suffered by most Ash Genasi upon arriving in the City of Doors. Regardless of how they avoid turning tail and heading back to the Plane of Ash, these rare Ash Genasi head out into the vast Multiverse looking for the isolated (or at least un-hectic) areas they enjoy.

In some cases, these Ash Genasi take a liking to a particular area and settle down to live out a simple, comfortable existence. In other cases, Ash Genasi become Planewalkers who go from plane-to-plane seeking out either rustic towns and villages or remote, isolated wilderness regions. Note that a sweltering, unpopulated tropical jungle on a prime world, a relatively clear and difficult-to-reach plateau in Gehenna, and the gatetown of Faunel would all be equally attractive to the average Ash Genasi.

In appearance, all Ash Genasi will have one or more of the following traits:

Ash Genasi are the only Genasi that don't receive modifiers to their ability scores. However, they more than make up for this lack with their innate abilities. Ash Genasi are immune to the effects of both non-magical fire and non-magical cold, due to the nature of their native Plane. Additionally, every five levels they gain a +1 bonus to their saving throws vs. magical fire-based attacks (but not against magical cold-based attacks). Finally, Scions of the Dying Embers can Extinguish Flames once per day. This ability is similar to the Affect Normal Fires ability of Fire Genasi, except that it can only be used to extinguish the fires within the area of effect. Ash Genasi can use this ability as though they were a 5th-level caster.

Ash Genasi can be fighters, mages, Fire Elementalists, Necromancers, fighter/mages, fighter/Fire Elementalists, or fighter/Necromancers. Ash Genasi can also become rangers or druids due to their affinity for isolated wilderness areas, but since they have no way to study the necessary wilderness skills while on the Plane of Ash, all Ash Genasi rangers and druids must learn these skills after leaving the Plane of Ash. This means that Ash Genasi rangers and druids will be, on average, several years older than non-ranger, non-druid Ash Genasi of similar experience level. To reflect this, determine their starting age normally and then add 4d4 years. Scions of the Dying Embers can be of any non-Lawful alignment.

Ability Requirements

3/18 3/18 7/18 9/18 3/18 3/18

Age and Aging Effects: Same as for normal Genasi (plus an additional 4d4 to the starting age of ranger and druid Ash Genasi)

Average Height and Weight: Same as for Fire Genasi

Level Limits:

*This applies to non-specialist mages. Fire Elementalists and Necromancers can rise an additional two levels.