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The Azer are the famous race of elemental fire-kin. Calling the plane of elemental fire their home, they are rarely seen elsewhere. However, there are always exceptions to this rule. Popular reasons to travel can include the desire to find new or specific forge materials or searching out gems, especially their favored clear purple or red gems such as rubies, amethysts, and garnets.
This information based off of information presented by Lord Tuerny.

Physical Description
The Azer appear much like dwarves, except that they have metallic, brass-colored skin and flames for hair. They wear only kilts or apronlike garments of beaten brass, copper, or bronze. A picture is availabe in MCA1. NPC Azer are Lawful Neutral; PC Azer may be any non-chaotic alignment. They have a Natural Armor Class of 2 from their hardships on the elemental plane of fire.

Azer, Planar Common, Efreet, Salamander, Fire Common, Fire Elemental

+1 STR, +1 CON
-1 WIS, -2 CHA

Ability Score Ranges
STR: 8/18
DEX: 3/18
CON: 8/18
INT: 7/18
WIS: 3/17
CHA: 3/14
Available Classes/Maximum Levels
Fighter: 16
Specialty Priests: 14
Elemental Fire Mage: 12

Physical Attributes (m/f)
Height: 55/52 + 1d10
Weight: 145/135 + 3d10

Starting: 40 + 5d6
Middle: 125
Old: 167
Venerable: 250
Maximum: 250 + 2d100

Roleplaying Suggestions
Azer generally see things in terms of Law and Chaos rather than good and evil. To them order and the community are good and disorganization and strife are evil. Some Azer are unable to handle this high concentration of order and break away from the community. Others are forced away due to the destruction of their band band or to gain experience and wealth in order to serve their community better.
Azer are conservative by nature and are very unlikely to take a radical approach. PC Azer prefer to join groups who have a similar outlook but some, generally the renegades, have been known to join groups who are not of this temperament. Regardless of whether individual Azer are able to abide those who are less lawfully aligned, the word of an Azer is his bond and honor his food and drink..
The personality of an Azer can be described as unfriendly and taciturn at the best of times and downright closed-minded in the worst of times. Rarely are they willing to go beyond the most basic levels of negotiating and haggling, relying on their organization and skill to win them through the day. This tendency also causes them to distrust other races but once they are able to divine another races true outlook, and it is to their liking, they are allies to the end.

Special Advantages
Due to their Special Nature, Azer do 1d4+1 points of damage in unarmed combat. Azer also gain a +1 fire damage when using any weapon, from their affinity with fire. Azer are Immune to fire of all sorts, including magical and extreme. For weapons, all Azer regardless of class may become proficient in the Fulbar, which is a weapon shaped like an elongated smith's hammer and has the same statistics as a Footman's Mace. Finally, PC Azer who are not wizards have a Magic Resistance of 2% per level, to a maximum of 20% at 10th level.

Special Disadvantages
Their special attachment to the plane of fire causes all cold- and water- based attacks to do double damage against Azer. The Azer are hated by salamanders, and will routinely be attacked first and most often by these fellow fire creatures. PC Azer, who are outcasts by definition of the Azer law, are disliked by all Azer not outcasted, suffering a -4 reaction adjustment. Finally, Azer suffer a -3 to all relevant abilities and rolls when in temperature below freezing, regardless of additional clothing worn.