
Character Points: 30

Standard male abilities: Charge, head butt, infravision.

Standard female abilities: Infravision, spell resistance, surprise bonus.

Back kick (5): The PC can kick an opponent to his rear with his hind legs for 3d6 damage and no penalty to THAC0.

Charge (10): Male PCs may cause triple damage with a head butt by charging an opponent. The PC needs at least 30’ running distance to perform this attack successfully.

Club bonus (5): Any club the PC wields in both hands has the speed factor and damage or a 2-handed sword.

Fitness bonus (10): Male PC gains a +1 to the Constitution/Fitness sub-ability.

Head butt (5): Male PC may attack with his horns for 1d8 hp damage plus Strength bonus. Should the PC also select Hoof Attack, he receives 3 attacks per round.

Health bonus (10): Male PC raises Constitution/Health sub-ability by +1.

Hoof attack (10): PC can attack with both hooves in one combat round, causing 1d6 points of damage per hoof.

Improved movement rate (5): This PC is one of the fastest of the race, possessing a movement rate of 21.

Infravision (10): PC possesses infravision to 60".

Intuition bonus (10): Female PC gains a +1 to the Wisdom/Intuition sub-ability.

Knowledge bonus (10): The female PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Knowledge sub-ability.

Lawbreaker (5): The wildly chaotic nature of Bariars makes them naturally resistant to the influences of law. The PC receives a +1 bonus to all save vs. spells against magic from the priestly sphere of law or magic cast by lawful creatures.

Magic resistance (10): The PC possesses 10% magic resistance.

Muscle bonus (10): The male PC gains +1 to the Strength/Muscle sub-ability.

Poison save bonus (5): Because of his hearty constitution, the male PC receives a +2 to all poison saves.

Reason bonus (10): The female PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Reason sub-ability.

Spell resistance (10): The female PC gains +3 to all saving throws versus spells.

Spear bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to attacks with any spear.

Stamina bonus (10): The male PC gains +1 to the Strength/Stamina sub-ability.

Surprise bonus (5): The female PC gains +2 on all surprise checks.

Tough hide (10): The PC’s thick skin and fur give him a tough hide, granting a natural AC of 8.

Trample (10): On a successful attack with both hooves, the Bariaur has knocked down his opponent and automatically tramples him also. A trampled victim suffers an additional 2d6 hp damage, has a –2 penalty to his AC, and must spend the remainder of the round getting back up on his feet. This attack affects only humanoids of M size or smaller. The PC must first select Hoof Attack to choose this option.

Willpower bonus (10): The female PC gains a +1 to the Wisdom/Willpower sub-ability.

Abilities available to all Planescape races

All Races

Alignment Affinity (5)

The PC is instantly aware of any beings within 20’ who possess the same alignment as himself. For example, a paladin knows when a lawful good Aasimar has just stepped behind him but does not learn the alignment of the lawful neutral good Deva crossing in front of him unless he employs some other means of divination.

Magical Perception (10)

Regardless of whether the PC is a spellcaster, he understands how the unique nature of his home plane affects magic. This includes which schools of magic are affected, how it is affected, and why ("You’re on Mechanus berk – wild magic is useless here and against the law."). This ability does not provide other magical insight, such as spell keys.

Planar Recognition (5)

Upon sight, the PC instantly recognizes any beings who originate from his home planet as a fellow native. Only true natives of the PC’s plane can be discerned. This ability does not grant the ability to recognize those who migrated to the PC’s home plane from another plane. The PC does not gain any other information about the beings he encounters.

Planar Resistance (5)

The PC receives a +3 bonus to all saves versus any naturally occurring phenomena on his home plane (plane of birth).

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