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Bask Attribute Modifiers: +2 to Strength, +1 to Constitution and -2 to Dexterity
Bask Attribute Ranges
Attribute   Min   Max
Strength   10   20
Dexterity   2   15
Constitution   8   19
Intelligence   3   18
Wisdom   3   18
Charisma   3   18

Bask Class Restrictions

Class   Max Level
Fighter   15
Ranger   9 (Desert, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Plain)
Paladin   --
Cleric   12
Druid   --
Mage   12
Specialist   --
Thief   --
Bard   --
Psionicist   9

Multi-Class Options: F/C, F/M, F/Ps, C/M, C/Ps, M/Ps, F/C/M, F/M/Ps, C/M/Ps
Hit Dice: Bask receive hit dice by class. In addition they get 5 bonus hit points at first level.
Alignment: Bask can be any alignment but most tend toward some form of Neutral.
Natural Armor Class: 5
Background: Bask have the appearance of a Basilisk that has evolved into a centaur-like form. From the waist up they have a slightly humanoid shaped body, a powerful chest, four arms that end in human-like clawed hands with three fingers and an opposable thumb. Their head looks like that of a Basilisk but the glowing green eyes have a more human shape and have evolved a second, clear eyelid that they close to prevent turning all living things they meet into stone. Their lower half resembles a slightly enlarged back half of a Basilisk, four legs that end in clawed, four toed feet and a five foot long tail for an over all length of nine feet. Bask are very impressive creatures standing an average of seven feet tall and nine feet long with four powerful arms and a four legged centaur-like lower half. Their bodies are covered in dark brown scales that fade to a light tan on the chest and underside. They have a ridge of small spines that run from the top of their head down their back to the last one foot of their tail.
Not much is known about the Bask as they are very rare but from what the few that have been studied say they come from a very distant world. They left their home world about one hundred and fifty years ago because they were being attacked by the Neogi. Most of them set out in spell jamming vessels and managed to escape their crystal sphere while many that remained on the planet escaped by traveling to other planes. Still others remained on the planet to fight the Neogi so that the others could escape, none that remained to fight survived. The ones that escaped  split up to have an easier time escaping the Neogi and are now scattered through out the crystal spheres and planes. Most can be found in Sigil and any plane inhabited by Humans and Ravenloft. Descendants of the ones that escaped by using spell jamming vessels can be found on many of the planets in Realmspace and Greyspace, they have just started to populate the worlds of Toril (Realms) and Oreth (Greyhawk).
They have a great hatred of the Neogi and if they encounter them they will most likely fight them. The Bask have as varied personalities as humans but most will have a strong sense of honor. Combat is a very important part of their society and they have developed many fighting styles that allow them to make full use of their four arms.
Languages: Bask is the only language from their world but they can easily learn any language that a human can speak  but they have a thick accent and growl and hiss while speaking other languages.
Role-Playing Suggestion: Most Bask are honorable and will not kill with out reason but their personalities are as varied as humans are. Battles play a large part in their society and most disputes will be solved with an honorable duel with rules agreed upon by the participants. Sometimes this will carry over to their dealings with other races and the rules will be set so that the Bask gives the other person a fair advantage.
Bask generally have an easy time getting along with Humans and Demi-Humans but most will not tolerate the humanoid races with the exceptions of Dragonmen and reptilian races. They hate Neogi and will have no problem slaughtering them and their Umber hulk minions, they pity the slaves of Neogi and will try to free them or put them out of their misery.
Bask are not very common sights on most worlds so they are viewed with suspicion and will have a difficult time in cities. Most of the time they will be watched closely while in a city.
Special Advantages: Bask have 5 natural attacks- 4 claws (1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6) and one bite (1d6+2) or they can use their petrifaction gaze (save vs. petrifaction or be turned to stone) instead of their bite. Just like Basilisks their gaze extends into the astral and ethereal planes.
Special Disadvantages: Bask take large damage. Because of their frightening appearances the Bask and it’s party get a -2 to reaction rolls with NPCs.
Weapon Proficiencies: Most will become proficient in pole arms, staves, swords and other long pole-like weapons.
New Bask Fighting Styles
*Note that to get these fighting styles the character is required to have ambidexterity.
Three weapon style- This style allows the Bask to fight with 2 one-handed weapons and 1 two-handed weapon at the same time with a penalty of -2 to hit with the two-handed weapon. Cost: 2 profs.
Four weapon style- This style allows the Bask to fight with 2 medium sized weapons in their upper arms and 2 small sized weapons in their lower arms at the same time with a penalty of -2 to hit with the lower arms. Cost: 3 profs and 2 profs on ambidexterity.
2 two-handed weapons style- This style allows the Bask to fight with a two-handed in its upper arms and a two-handed weapon in it’s lower arms with a -2 to hit with the lower weapon. These can be missile or melee weapons. Cost: 3 profs and 2 profs on ambidexterity.
Four-handed style- This style allows the Bask to wield a pole weapon with four hands getting a bonus of + 2 to hit and a +6 to damage. Cost: 3 profs.
Height and Weight Modifiers M/F
Height: 78/78 +2d6
Weight: 450/450 +1d100
Age and Aging Modifiers
Starting age: 15 +1d10
Max age: 120 +2d20
Middle age: 60 -1str/con, +1int/wis
Old age: 80 -2str/dex, -1con, +1wis
Venerable: 120 -1str/dex/con, +1int/wis