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Cambion Demons

Cambion demons are the offspring of human females and male demons. They are invariably male. The physical appearance of cambion demons varies widely, although all retain at least some characteristics of their demonic parent. Scaly skin, fangs, claws, pointed ears, horns, small wings, and stiff, wiry hair are all common inherited traits. Few cambion demons will have all of the preceeding characterists, usually having only one or two promient ones and one or two less-promient. However, most cambion demons cannot pass as a normal human. Their other physical characteristics are as varied as humans, though all tend towards being fairly muscular and quite tall.

Cambion demons may become assassins, cavaliers, clerics, fighters, magic-users (though not specialists), ninja, thieves, and multi-classed fighter/assassins, fighter/clerics, fighter/magic-users, fighter/thieves, magic-user/clerics, magic-user/assassins, and magic-user/thieves.

Cambion demons have a natural Armor Class of 6. Armor with a base AC of 7 or less only adds any applicable magical bonus to their AC, while armor of AC 6 or greater has its normal effect. They also save against all forms of magic at +4.

Cambion demons can cause fear at a touch, up to 3 times per day and can detect magic up to 3 times per day.

Cambion demons speak common. They have normal infravision to 60'.

Cambion demons have a +2 bonus to their initially generated Strength, but take a -1 penalty to their Wisdom score and a -2 penalty to their Charisma score, as their demonic characteristics tend to cause aversion in most creatures. This penalty does not apply to other cambion and alu-demons, as well as to demons, devils, and other inhabitants of the Lower Planes.