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Centaurs are half-human, half-horse. They are mostly found in secluded glades deep in forests. They are generally suspicious of other races, except elves (to whom they are relatively friendly). Full grown centaur average 4' at the (horse) shoulder and about 7' overall. The long, fine hair of the horse body gradually gives way to bare flesh of the human torso. Centaur grow hair on their torso in the same manner as normal humans and also may grow short beards. Hair color (both human and horse) varies from light brown to black, with rare blondes occuring. Eye color is green or shades of brown. Skin color ranges from black to medium tan.

Centaur may become bards, cavaliers, druids, fighters, magic-users (though they may not specialize), rangers, thieves, and multi-classed fighter/druids, fighter/thieves, or ranger/druids.

Centaur cavaliers, fighters, and rangers favor the lance, and may charge (with all the attendant bonuses) given a 50' space. They also favor the short and composite short bows.

Centaurs have tougher skin than normal humanoids. Their natural Armor Class is 7. Any armor with a protective power of 7 or less (leather, padded, ring, studded leather, or leather scale) provides a +1 bonus to AC (making the AC 6), while the centaur's tough skin gives a +1 AC bonus when wearing armor with a natural AC of 6 or better. Shields provide their usual protection, regardless of other armor worn.

Due to the equine nature and size, centaur can carry a larger burden that a normal character. If the centaur is able to distribute the carried burden over his entire body (using proper containers, of course), increase his Strength by 3 steps for encumbrance determination only. Thus, a centaur of Strength 14 would use the line for 18, while a centaur of 18/68 Strength would use the 18/00 line on the Encumbrance Limits Table. A centaur's normal Strength is used for all other determinations (maxium press, ``to hit'' and damage bonuses, etc.).

Their large size also causes centaurs to generally be uncomfortable in normal humanoid buildings, since they were not constructed with the centaur's unique body in mind. Stairs in particular give centaur a great deal of trouble, and many steep, winding stairs that are not difficult for humans prove impossible for centaur. For this reason (and also due to their normal love of nature), most centaur prefer not to anventure underground.

Most centaur are able to speak the following languages: common, centaur, dryad, elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, and satyr.

Centaur are able to make 2 attacks with their hooves in addition to a normal weapon attack. However, attacking with their hooves makes a weapon attack more difficult: during any round which a centaur attacks with its hooves, no spell casting may take place, and all weapon attacks are at -2. Centaur may not charge and attack with their hooves in the same round. Hoove attacks cause 1-6 points of damage each.

Centaur receive a +1 bonus to both Stength and Constitution, but must take a -1 penalty to their initially generated Dexterity and Wisdom.