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Languages: Porpine (may understand Common with teaching, but unable to speak without magical aid)

Hit Dice: per class (only young are 0 level)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Natural Armor Class: 5

Native Environment: Oceans on most prime worlds.

Locations: Oceans on most prime worlds.

Movement Rate: 30

Size: Man Sized

TABLE 1 : Ability Score Adjustments

Strength -

Dexterity +4

Constitution +1

Intelligence +1

Wisdom +2

Charisma +1

TABLE 1B: Sence Score Adjustments

Sight -

Smell +1

Hearing -1

Taste -1

Touch -2

TABLE 2 : Ability Score Range

Ability Minimum Maximum

Strength 3 18

Dexterity 7 20

Constitution 4 19

Intelligence 4 19

Wisdom 5 20

Charisma 4 19

TABLE 3 : Class Restrictions

Class Maximum Level


Fighter U

Ranger (Sea Ranger) U


Mage 8

Water Elementalist 17


Cleric U


Clairsentient 8

Psychokinetic 12

Psychometabolist 6

Psychoporter 6

Telepath 12

TABLE 4 : Size and shape

Base Height: Length: 5 feet

Modifier...: 2D12 inches

Base Weight: 200 LBS

Modifier...: 2D100 LBS

TABLE 5 : Aging Effects

Middle Age (1/2 Base Max): -1 Str/Con, +1Int/Wis

Old Age (2/3 Base Max): -2 Str/Dex, -1 Con; +1 Wis

Venerable (Base Max): -1 Str/Dex/Con; +1 Int/Wis


Some druids would suggest that Dolphins were once a land species, but the Dolphins and Porpoises scoff at this. Dolphins, and there Porpoise kin have always lived in the vast oceans, since the foundation of the world.


They are surface dwellers, but may submerge to a 1,000' below the surface with little trouble. Being air breathers they must surface every 15 minutes or so and generally do so in a playful leap. They eat fish and other small marine life dwelling on the continental shelf or near the surface of the ocean. They require little sleep, which they take at night, with one member or more of the pod always maintaining watch for the safety of the pod. Dolphins and porpoises are voluntary breathers, having to remember to surface and breathe, and newborns are helped by their mother to the surface for this reason. Unless outnumbered, Dolphins and porpoises will attack sharks on sight. They have an intense hatred of evil sea dwellers, and will use all of their cunning and intelligence to devise ways to defeat Sahuagin, Ixitxachitl, Kapoacinth, Sea Hags, Dragon Turtles, Water Weirds, Seawolves, Morkoth, Merrow, Giant Octopi, Kraken, Saltwater Trolls, evil Sirines, Vodyanoi, Kelpie, Sea Zombies. When possible they will eat Sahuagin eggs and deal out oceanic justice to the young of these evil species.

They don't attempt to kill Mermen, or Orca (Killer Whales), but will drive them off. They get along well with Sea Lions, as both species hate sharks. A pod will consist of between 15-20 adults, lead by the strongest fighter, a level 4, or greater, Sea Ranger.

Pods are very organized, almost lawful, and the pod will defend or attack (when necessary) with every able-bodied dolphin available. Dolphins and kin have two flippers, a strong finned tail, a rounded fin on their back, and a blowhole behind their brain.

All dolphins and porpoises are from 5'-6' long, and vary slightly in shape, and greatly in coloration. Common bottle-nosed dolphins are grey, with a slightly lighter underbelly. Other dolphins might be blue and grey-bellied. Dolphins lead a playful lifestyle, often racing ships and entertaining the sailors with their antics. They will play with objects they find that are man-made, as they have a distant interest in the welfare of humankind. They will go out of their way to rescue drowning sailors of good races, and especially humans. Evil land races they will allow to drown, and those that are especially evil they will help the waves take them from life butting them at high speed as they do sharks (2d4 damage + STR damage). Dolphins will try to warn human communities of pirates in the area whenever they learn of such things. Dolphins feel that humans are their descendants from thousands of millenia ago, and so feel a parental responsibility for mankind. 90% of all dolphin pods are nomadic, and travel to wherever the fishing is good. They will aid the more settled communities in times of distress, such as Sahuagin or shark threats. The settled communities have either 1d6 swordfish, or 1d4 narwhals guarding their community, with 1d4 other dolphin communities within 3 miles.


Dolphins and porpoises are good-natured, helpful, playful, peaceful - unless attacked or evil lurks nearby, and free spirits in nature. They are very sociable, and few are the rogue adventurers among them, but they do exist, often following a human who frequents the same waters as the solitary dolphin. Some of these rogues are males or females who have lost mate and offspring - for dolphins mate for life, and greatly grieve the passing of a loved one, feeling something good has departed the world. Sea Rangers will sometimes gain such a dolphin comrade. Dolphin warriors may be considered Undersea Rangers, gaining a human or demi-human follower at the appropriate level, or other dolphins, often of the same breed. Dolphin rangers do not build strongholds, but establish dolphin communities, generally within the area their human comrade frequents.

Dolphin adventurers often desire to rid the world of evil or to spend time with their human companion, whose death they would also mourn. If the dolphins mate is living, they might spend several months away, but would always seek out the one they love the most, bidding their human friend farewell.

Dolphins, use their bodies as a weapon, and any weapon proficiencies should go to butting, tail slapping, and ramming. Few will resort to becoming proficient biters. NonWeapon Proficicencies: Swimming, Acrobatics, Hunting, Survival -Oceans, singing, ancient history (ocean), Direction Sense, Weather Sense, Jumping, Gaming, Blind-fighting, Animal Lore, Endurance, Tracking, Religion, Throwing, Deep Diving, Underwater Orienteering, Navigation, Set Snares, Spellcraft, Local history. (Some of these skills would have to be interpreted loosely, or otherwise adjusted for a race without hands which dwells in water).


Dolphins and porpoises they swim at a movement rate of 30 and have a tough skin giving them a +1 bonus to physical attacks. EI Magic Missle, Injected Poisons, and other attacks that normally receive a save. They have Keen Eyesight, and Keen Hearing, using a form of sonar to target food or enemies more precisely, and can only be surprised 1 in 10. They may become proficient at butting (1D4), tail slapping (1d6), and biting (1d4) with their sharp teeth, though most dolphins disdain to use their teeth as a weapon, feeling that's more like the killer whales they despise. Of these natural attacks only one per round can be used or as per normal number of attacks per round.

Dolphins have no hands or feet. While they may use their tail to walk backwards on the water for several moments, this does not replace walking. They cannot use their mouths to do what hands can do with weapons, writing instruments, or spell components (although they need them). Than can grasp or grab or pinch with their mouths, and catch, but that's about the extent of their manual dexterity.