
A Doppleganger can have stats between 3-18 for both sexes.

Ability scores for a Doppleganger are identical to that of a human. doppleganger is able to assume the shape of any humanoid creature between four and eight feet high. Doppleganger can prefect one additional form per level gained and the initial number is base on Intelligence plus Wisdom divided by 9 rounded down to a whole number. EX. (15 int + 16 wis) / 9 = 3 Forms.

Assuming Forms

When a Doppleganger assumes a form the racial pluses and minuses apply to strength, Dexterity, Charisma. But the racial adjusted scores may never exceed the racial limits of the Doppleganger. This limited changed form ability is similar to that of the polymorph self spell. So that if the form assumed has wings, gills or the like they actually do work but none of the assumed races innate abilities are gained. A doppleganger has one chosen form, which can be maintained indefinitely, while the others are assumed forms only able to last for a maximum of 8 hours per day

As a Player Character

Doppleganger that go adventuring loose there ability to kill a creature and assume the form of the creature killed. There calling is different then most of their kind.

Classes and Levels

A Doppleganger can be any class and level restrictions that a human has with the exception that the doppleganger is never allowed to change his chosen class.

Additional notes about the Doppleganger

They do not relish, being put in the spot light prefering to try and be as unnotied as possible. Not wanting to draw any undo attention to themselves. Rarely is one found amoung an adventuring party. And are very reluctant to show their true form to anyone.

Author : Kevin Scardino

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