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The Drow are a dark race of Elfkind torn from the light of the surface. These feared Elves were long ago forced into exile (see Vastonia's Elven Chronology for details on exile). They now inhabit the darkest reaches of the underworld, making caverns and concealed passages as their home. Drow are very aware and inquisitive creatures simply because of their cruel and unforgiving society. Most Drow have high intellectual aptitude thus giving them a mental advantage over other creatures. Drow also have greater dexterity than most other creatures and use this to overcome their lack of endurance during combat situations. The Drow no longer desire life in the outerworld, being content with the gloomy darkness of their home realm.

Physical Features

Drow vary in shape as much as Humans with the exception of their jet black skin. Drow are shorter and more slender than Humans. Average in height from 4'6 to 5' tall, weighing anywhere from 90 to 120 lbs. Having shades of hair from blonde to silver and occassionally snow white. Their eyes are typically red, black, white or sometimes yellow. Note: female Drow are considered the better warriors and are seen more commonly as figure heads in Dark Elf society.

Rolling Method

Female Drow

STR: 1d6 plus 8
INT: 1d6 plus 12 (maximum of 19)
WIS: 1d10 plus 8
DEX: 2d4 plus 10 (maximum 20)
CON: 4d4 (maximum of 15)
CHA: 1d8 plus 10
COM: 3d6

Male Drow

STR: 1d6 plus 6
INT: 1d8 plus 10 (maximum 19)
WIS: 1d4 plus 8
DEX: 2d4 plus 10 (maximum of 20)
CON: 4d4 (maximum of 15)
CHA: 1d8 plus 8
COM: 3d6

Racial Bonuses/ Penalties

120' infravision
Plus 1 to INT
Plus 2 to DEX
-1 to CON
Plus 2 to all surprise rolls
Most Dark Elves speak (the silent language of Drow)

All Drow can use the following spells once/ day
Dancing lights
Faerie fire
Drow above 4th level can use once/ day
Know alignment
Detect Good or Evil
Drow Priests can also cast
Detect lie
Dispel magic

Drow have one major weakness (light). If a Drow is caught within a radius of light or a continual light spell they are 90% likely to be seen. They suffer the loss of 2 points from their DEX scores and attack at a -2 penalty. In such a circumstance where a creature or being is caught in a spell by a Drow within the light they receive a plus 2 bonus to their saving throws. If ever a Drow seeks the outerworld life (character's) and finds themselves in daylight combat the DM should enforce an additional penalty of -1 to attack rolls and a plus 1 bonus to any creatures making a saving throws vs Drow magic.

Applicable Classes and Level Limitations

Fighter 7th level
Ranger 9th level
Dragon Slayer 6th level
Undead Slayer 6th level
Thief Unlimited
Assassin 10th level
M-U 8th level
Cleric 10th level
Multi Class: yes