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{Gray dwarves}, or the duergar, dwell deep within the earth, seldom if ever venturing out of the underdark. The duergar tend to be evil and cruel, conquering and subjugating other races of the underdark. They too build massive tunnel complexes, often extending for miles. Gray dwarves are thinner than other dwarves, and their skin and hair color ranges from medium to dark gray. Duergar may progress in the standard dwarven classes and additionally may become multi-classed cleric/assassins.

Duergar are intensely non-magical in nature; they gain a +1 bonus to their saving throws against rods, staves, wands and spell for each 3\fract1/2\ points of constitution. They are unaffected by illusion spells and are immune to all paralyzation and non-natural (i.e. magical or alchemical in origin) poison attacks. Duergar receive a bonus equal to their magical bonus against natural poisons.

Gray dwarves speak dwarvish and undercommon. They have double normal chances for psionic ability.

Duergar have 120 yards infravision. They also can detect grades, slopes, new construction, sliding walls, traps, and depth underground as hill dwarves. They receive the armor class bonus when attacked by ogres, ogre magi, titans, giants, and trolls, similar to hill dwarves but receive no attack bonus against orcs, et al., as there is no history of racial hatred of these races.

When alone or in the company of other gray dwarves, they gain +2 on their chance to surprise. They also receive a -2 bonus on their chance to be surprised.

Due to their long habitation in the depths of the underdark, duergar are extremely sensitive to light. In full daylight (or within a continual light), gray dwarves suffer the following penalties: the enhanced surprise bonus is lost, dexterity is lowered by 2, attacks rolls are made at -2, and enemies' saving throws against duergar attacks are at +2. If the dwarf is located in darkness or deep shadow but attacking fully illuminated opponents, surprise and dexterity are normal, but attacks are at -1 and opponents' saves are at +1.

Duergar receive a +1 to their initially generated constitution, and take a -1 penalty to their charisma and comeliness.