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Dust Genasi

The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust conjures up images of decay, decomposition, and disintegration in the minds of most cutters. The Plane is inimical to both life and to created items, and both will quickly turn to dust without the proper magical protection. Amid all this waste and desolation are the Loreseekers of the Eroding Sands - the Dust Genasi.

Dust Genasi are fascinated by the history of things: Buildings, magical weapons, famous berks, regions, towns, you name it. Most sages and scholars claim this is due to the fact that Dust Genasi are raised on a Plane where they routinely see the ultimate embrace which awaits all things, and have therefore developed a curiosity about the life before the decay. Some claim that it's the symbolism of accumulated dust (or sands through an hourglass) representing the passage of time. And a few berks say it's because researching the history of dead people and ruined towns is the only thing that matches the dry, somber personality possessed by most Dust Genasi. (Note that this last is woefully inaccurate. While Dust Genasi are indeed more subdued than most other Planar races, their enthusiasm for research is matched only by their Magma Genasi cousins.)

Whatever the reason, most Dust Genasi explore the planes in much the same manner as their Magma Genasi cousins. Some Loreseekers of the Eroding Sands will spend years wandering the planes, searching for that ineffable something that strikes a chord deep within them. Upon finding it, they settle down to spend the rest of their lives researching its history.

Other Dust Genasi prefer to dabble, rather than delve. These Loreseekers seek a broad base of knowledge, and enjoy knowing a little about everything. As such, they never really stop wandering the planes. They spend a year here or there, and then move on to the next historically interesting place, where they may stay 6 months, before moving on again.

All Dust Genasi feature a colored pattern to their skin reminscent of sand. Additionally, they will have one or more of the following:

Dust Genasi receive a +1 bonus to both Dexterity and Constitution, and recieve a -1 penalty to their Strength and Charisma. They are completely unaffected by the disintegrating nature of their native plane, and they have a 50% magic resistance to Disintegrate spells (or any other spells which attack via disintegration-like effects), in addition to whatever saving throws may be applicable. Additionally, they gain a +1 bonus to their saving throws vs. Earth-based magic every 5 levels. Finally, Dust Genasi have the ability to Shatter Rock once per day. This is identical to the 2nd-level Wizard spell Shatter, except that it works only by touch, and it affects only rock or stone. Dust Genasi can use this ability on up to 20 cubic feet of rock or stone.

Dust Genasi can be fighters, mages, Earth Elementalists, Diviners, or bards. They also have the option of being a fighter/mage or fighter/Diviner multiclassed character. Dust Genasi can be of any non-Chaotic alignment.

Ability Requirements

3/18 7/18 5/18 5/18 7/18 3/18

Age and Aging Effects: Same as for normal Genasi

Average Height and Weight: Same as for Water Genasi

Bard Racial Adjustments:

Read Languages: +10%
Detect Noise: +5%
Pick Pockets: -15%

Level Limits:

Fighter: 12
Mage*: 11
Diviner: 15
Bard: 14

*includes Earth Elementalist.