Genasi Character Points: 25

All Genasi may select from this list of shared half-elemental traits in addition to traits peculiar to their specific element.

Ignore element (5): Genasi can ignore his element (magical and nonmagical) for a number of rounds equal to his experience level, once a day.

Elemental empowerment (5): Elemental spells or abilities employed by the PC are treated as if he were one experience level higher. Option may be taken multiple times for increased effect.

Elemental form (10): Once a day, the PC can polymorph into an elemental of the PC's element.

Elemental regeneration (10): When the PC rests immersed in his element as it occurs naturally, he regenerates at a rate of 1hp/turn.

Elemental resistance (5/15): The PC gains a 30% resistance vs. all attacks against his element. For 15 points, the PC is completely immune to his element. This option cannot be taken with magic resistance option.

Etherealness (10): Once a day, the PC can enter the ethereal plane from any of the inner planes or prime material plane; or, if already within the Border Ethereal, the PC can enter an inner plane or prime material plane world.

Infravision (5): The PC possesses 60' infravision.

Magic resistance (10): The PC possesses a 10% resistance to all magic.

Para-elemental resistance (5): The PC receives a +2 to all saving throws from any para-elemental attacks associated with the PC's element (e.g., fire Genasi receive this bonus against ash and magma attacks).

Quasi-elemental resistance (5): The PC receives a +2 to all saving throws from any quasi-elemental attacks associated with the PC's element (e.g., water Genasi receive this bonus against steam and salt attacks).

Genasi, Air

Standard abilities: Non-respiration, levitate, saving throw bonus.

Aim bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Dexterity/Aim sub-ability.

Air boat (10): At 9th level, the PC can call down an air boat once a week.

Balance bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Dexterity/Balance sub-ability.

Elemental powers – minor (5): Once a day, the PC can cast fly, stinking cloud, or wind wall. At 7th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a day. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Elemental powers – major (10): Once a week, the PC can cast air walk, solid fog, or suffocate. At 9th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a week. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Feather fall (5): The PC can cast feather fall once a day for every three experience levels possessed.

Non-respiration (10): The PC need no longer breathe.

Knowledge bonus (10): PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Knowledge sub-ability.

Levitate (5): Genasi can levitate once a day as a 5th level wizard.

Reason bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Reason sub-ability.

Genasi, earth

Standard abilities: Stony skin, saving throw bonus.

Elemental powers – minor (10): Once a day, the PC can cast fist of stone, maximilian's stony grasp, or meld into stone. At the 7th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a day.

Elemental powers – major (15): Once a week, the Genasi can cast move earth, stone shape, or wall of stone. At 9th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a week.

Fitness bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Constitution/Fitness sub-ability.

Health bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Constitution/Health sub-ability.

Muscle bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Strength/Muscle sub-ability.

Pass without trace (5): The PC can pass without trace once per day as a 5th level priest.

Passwall (10): Once a day at 5th level, the PC can cast a passwall, except that this ability affects only stone or earth.

Reverse gravity (10): At 9th level, the PC can reverse gravity once a week.

Stamina bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Strength/Stamina sub-ability.

Stony Skin (10): The PC has a naturally rock hard AC of 8.

Genasi, Fire

Standard abilities: Affect normal fires, fire immunity, infravision, saving throw bonus

Affect fire (5): The PC can affect normal fires once per day as a 5th level wizard.

Elemental powers – minor (5): Once a day, the PC can cast flame arrow, flame walk, or heat metal. At 7th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a day. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Elemental powers – major (10): Once a week, the PC can cast fire shield, malecketh's flame fist, or wall of fire. At 9th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a week. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Fire immunity (5): The PC is immune to normal, non-magical fire.

Knowledge bonus (10): PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Knowledge sub-ability.

Produce flame (5): The PC can produce flame once a day for every three experience levels.

Reason bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Reason sub-ability.

Surprise fireball (10): At 7th level, the PC can cast a delayed blast fireball once a week.

Genasi, Water

Standard abilities: Create water, saving throw bonus, water breathing.

Acid storm (10): At 7th level, the PC can create an acid storm once a week. Bestow water breathing (10): Once a day for every three experience levels, the PC can bestow water breathing (or its reverse) on any creature other than himself.

Create water (5/10): Genasi can create water once a day as a 5th level priest. For 10 points, the PC can cast improved create water (reverse of transmute water to dust) as a 5th level priest.

Elemental powers – minor (5): The PC possesses the innate ability to cast lower/raise water, insatiable thirst, or watery double once a day. At 7th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a day. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Elemental powers – major (5): Once a week, the PC can cast abi-jalzim's horrid wilting, part water, or wall of ice. At 9th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a week. This ability includes one 5 point racial weakness.

Fitness bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Constitution/Fitness sub-ability.

Health bonus (10): PC gains +1 to the Constitution/Health sub-ability.

Water breathing (10): The PC breathes water.

Genasi vulnerabilities

All Genasi may inherit certain weaknesses from their elemental parentage. Genasi PCs may select any or all of the following racial weaknesses for bonus CPs to purchase additional race traits.

Elemental damage (+5/+10): The PC suffers additional damage from elemental attacks not of his own element. For 5 points, the PC suffers +1 damage per die rolled. For 10 points, the PC suffers +2 damage per die.

Elemental hatred (+5): The PC despises his opposition element and always seeks to destroy without question or hesitation anyone strongly associated with the opposition element (such as natives of that elemental plane, specialist wizards, and specialty priests of the opposing element, etc.).

Elemental vulnerability (+5): The PC suffers a –1 penalty to all saves from elemental attacks not of his own element.

Abilities available to all Planescape races

All Races

Alignment Affinity (5)

The PC is instantly aware of any beings within 20’ who possess the same alignment as himself. For example, a paladin knows when a lawful good Aasimar has just stepped behind him but does not learn the alignment of the lawful neutral good Deva crossing in front of him unless he employs some other means of divination.

Magical Perception (10)

Regardless of whether the PC is a spellcaster, he understands how the unique nature of his home plane affects magic. This includes which schools of magic are affected, how it is affected, and why ("You’re on Mechanus berk – wild magic is useless here and against the law."). This ability does not provide other magical insight, such as spell keys.

Planar Recognition (5)

Upon sight, the PC instantly recognizes any beings who originate from his home planet as a fellow native. Only true natives of the PC’s plane can be discerned. This ability does not grant the ability to recognize those who migrated to the PC’s home plane from another plane. The PC does not gain any other information about the beings he encounters.

Planar Resistance (5)

The PC receives a +3 bonus to all saves versus any naturally occurring phenomena on his home plane (plane of birth).

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