Githzerai Character Points: 30

Standard abilities: Infravision, magic resistance.

Aim bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Dexterity/Aim sub-ability.

Balance bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Dexterity/Balance sub-ability.

ESP (10): The PC can cast ESP once a day. At 9th level, the PC can cast ESP twice a day.

Infravision (10): The PC possesses infravision to 60'.

Knowledge bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Knowledge sub-ability.

Lesser magic resistance (10): The PC possesses magic resistance equal to 2%/level. This option cannot be taken with the magic resistance option.

Lower resistance (10): Once a day, the PC can attempt to lower his magic resistance by effecting lower resistance on himself only.

Limbo powers (5): As a native of Limbo, the PC gains a movement rate of 96 while in Limbo and also suffers no ill effects from the roiling, primal matter of that chaotic plane.

Magic resistance (15): The PC receives magic resistance equal to 5%/level.

Mental assault (10): The PC can cast feeblemind once a week for every five experience levels. Example: A 3rd level Githzerai can cast 0 feebleminds once a week. A 6th level Githzerai can cast one feeblemind, once a week.

Mental shielding (10): Once a week, the Githzerai PC can cast mind blank.

Mind guard (5): The PC gains +1 to all saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells and psionics.

Plane shift (10): Once a day, the PC can plane shift (himself alone) to any other plane he has previously visited. This ability takes one full round to activate. If the PC is interrupted during activation of this power, the power fails.

Racial enmity (5): The PC's extreme hatred of Githyanki grants him a +2 to hit on all attacks against Githyanki.

Rrakkma hunter (5): The PC gains +2 to hit against the despised Gith slave masters of ages past – the mind flayers.

Reason bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Reason sub-ability.

Renegade (5): The PC has secretly decided to advance in level beyond the artificial limits set by the Githzerai wizard-king (i.e. the PC has no level limits in any chosen classes). Once a renegade Githzerai's decision becomes known, he rarely survives for long, as the wizard-king's forces quickly hunt down any such blasphemous Githzerai.

Silver sword (5): At 5th level, the PC, if in good standing with his people, is rewarded with a special two-handed silver sword +3. If used on the Astral Plane, the sword has a 5% chance of cutting an opponent's silver cord upon scoring a hit. These weapons have a significant religious value to the Githzerai, who would never willingly let them fall into the hands of outsiders.

Sword bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with any sword of Githzerai make.

Xenophobe (5): Fearful and hateful of nearly all sentient creatures not of his own race, the PC is always on the alert for outside treachery and attack. The PC receives a +3 to all surprise checks. Note that while a xenophobic Githzerai may be able to suppress displays of his xenophobic nature most of the time, such strong emotions are ever-present under the surface, just waiting for a chance to be expressed.

Zerth bonus (5): The PC is a Zerth, part of a religious sect who worships the memory of the legendary Githzerai hero Zerthimon. PC gains a 5% bonus to all EXP when actively worshipping as a Zerth and also receives a +4 reaction modifier when dealing with any Githzerai (all Githzerai value such worship in other Githzerai). DMs may decide on the form such hero worship takes, such as joining Rrakkma bands, spreading the word of Zerthimon, or hunting Githyanki on a regular basis.

Abilities available to all Planescape races

All Races

Alignment Affinity (5)

The PC is instantly aware of any beings within 20’ who possess the same alignment as himself. For example, a paladin knows when a lawful good Aasimar has just stepped behind him but does not learn the alignment of the lawful neutral good Deva crossing in front of him unless he employs some other means of divination.

Magical Perception (10)

Regardless of whether the PC is a spellcaster, he understands how the unique nature of his home plane affects magic. This includes which schools of magic are affected, how it is affected, and why ("You’re on Mechanus berk – wild magic is useless here and against the law."). This ability does not provide other magical insight, such as spell keys.

Planar Recognition (5)

Upon sight, the PC instantly recognizes any beings who originate from his home planet as a fellow native. Only true natives of the PC’s plane can be discerned. This ability does not grant the ability to recognize those who migrated to the PC’s home plane from another plane. The PC does not gain any other information about the beings he encounters.

Planar Resistance (5)

The PC receives a +3 bonus to all saves versus any naturally occurring phenomena on his home plane (plane of birth).

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