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by Jim Bobb

Gnoll Player Characters

Ability Scores

Racial Abilities and Restrictions

Experience Chart

Level Experience Hit Dice THAC0 Save As
1 0 1d8 19 Fighter 1-3
2 2,000 2d8 19 Fighter 1-3
3 4,000 3d8 19 Fighter 1-3
4 8,000 4d8 17 Fighter 4-6
5 16,000 5d8 17 Fighter 4-6
6 32,000 6d8 17 Fighter 4-6
7 64,000 7d8 15 Fighter 7-9
8 120,000 8d8 15 Fighter 7-9
9 300,000 9d8 15 Fighter 7-9
10* 600,000 9d8+2 13 Fighter 10-12
11* 900,000 9d8+4 13 Fighter 10-12
12* 1,200,000 9d8+6 13 Fighter 10-12
13*+ 1,500,000 9d8+8 11 Fighter 13-15
14*++ 1,800,000 9d8+10 11 Fighter 13-15

* No adjustments from Constitution are applied at this level.
+ This level can only be gained by the use of a Wish spell (RC p61) or by an Immortal using the Bestow spell (CotI p62) on the character.
++ This level can only be gained by an Immortal using a Bestow spell on the character.

Gnoll PC Followers

Die Roll Follower Type
1 Bandit, Human
2-3 Bugbear
4 Doppelganger
5 Hobgoblin
6 Ogre Wokan (1st-2nd)
7 Orc Leader
8-12 Gnoll
13-14 Orc
15 Gnoll, Shaman (1st-6th)
16 Gnoll, Wokan (1st-4th)
17 Ogre
18 Hobgoblin
19-20 Gnoll

Followers will arrive within 1 month of the establishment of the lair carrying basic gear. The PC will have to provide for their care and upkeep after they arrive and swear their loyalty. No follower may be of a level or HD greater than the PC. Followers gain a +2 bonus to morale when fighting with their leader present or while defending their homes.