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Half Giants

Halfgiants are always half human and generally half hill giant. Together this combination makes for a rather impressive sight. Not only are these humanoids very large, they possess the agility of their human counterparts. Halfgiants usually mimic the majority of people around them. They can be of any alignment depending on their surroundings (see below). Most halfgiants in general are wandering nomads and seek to avoid society altogether.

Physical Features

These hulking brutes stand anywhere from 10' to 12' in height, they have any color of hair a human might have. They average in weight from 1600 lbs to 2000 lbs. They have any color of eyes and usually a dark tan skin color, due to the hot climates they prefer.

Rolling Method

STR: 3d6 maximum of 20, minimum of 17

DEX: 3d6 maximum of 15

CON: 3d6 maximum of 20, minimum of 15

INT: 3d6 maximum of 15

WIS: 3d6 maximum of 16

CHA: 3d6 maximum of 16

COM: 3d6 -11 to other races

Racial Bonuses/Penalties

+4 to Str

+2 to Con

-2 to Int

-2 to Wis

-2 to Cha

Punch can inflict 1d6 damage/ successful strike

All hit die are doubled (eg a fighter gets a d10x2/ level, plus the CON bounus

(Base) Armor Class 6, due to their thick hide.

Languages; Common, Alignment tongue, 5% chance of speaking Human common

Applicable Classes and Level Limitations

Fighter maximum of 7th level

Ranger maximum of 5th level, minimum of 13 DEX and 14 WIS

Gladiator maximum of 9th level, minimum of 12 DEX

Cleric maximum of 9th level, minimum of 9 WIS

Multi Class: No