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Half Nymph

Half-Nymphs are the beautiful creations of human and nymph crossbreeding. Always conceived to human male fathers and female nymphs, half-nymphs are always born of the female gender. Half-Nymphs wander the land as protectors of nature and/or healers of all mankind. They always seek to bring goodness and are repulsed by the workings of evil.

Like their mothers they prefer to dwell in the surroundings of nature, but this does not limit them in any way from inhabiting typical societies (PC's perhaps). They have a passion for the wilderness much like that of a druid and will always avoid the needless destruction of anything nature has to offer. Half-Nymph's also gain their fathers natural physical affinities which usually allow them superior strength, constitution and dexterity to that of Nymphs.

With their mothers elegant grace and witty charm combined with their fathers best qualities, Half-Nymph's makes for all but perfect specimens.

Physical Features

Like there mothers, Half-Nymphs are also exquisitely beautiful. Their bodies are slender and smooth, with perfect muscle definition. They possess their mother's natural magnificence and their father's physical prowess and agility. Half-Nymphs can obtain beauty beyond any human capability, thus leaving most men salivating in their own pools of lust. Half-Nymphs prefer to fornicate with human males, but will sometimes grace an elf or extremely handsome and charismatic half-orc with such pleasures. As player characters they can choose to breed with anyone of their choosing but generally seek not to, that is at least until their immediate goals in life are complete and they have found a loyal and completely faithful mate. Half-Nymphs always have long golden blonde or auburn hair, ice blue, light green, or gleaming silver eyes and stand between 5-6' tall. They always weigh between 102 lbs to 128 lbs. Their lifespans never exceed 200 years, but average more around 180 years.

Rolling Method

STR: 3d6 maximum of 17

DEX: 3d6

CON: 3d6

INT: 3d6 minimum of 9

WIS: 3d6 maximum of 19

CHA: 3d6 maximum of 20, minimum of 12

COM: 3d6 maximum of 22, minimum of 14

Racial Bonuses/Penalties

-1 to Str

+1 to Wis

+2 to Cha

+4 to Com

25% magic resistance

Languages; Nymph song, common, 15% chance of elf common.

Applicable Classes and Level Limitations

Ranger maximum of 6th level

Druid maximum 14th level

Cleric maximum of 7th level

Multi Class: yes


Special Note: Half-Nymphs are never evil, and are seldom neutral (if ever Lawful Neutral)