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undefined Half-Orcs

Orcs are fecund and create many cross-breeds, most of the offspring being typically orcish. However, some one-tenth of such orc-human mongrels are sufficiently non-orcish as to pass for human.
Appearances of half-orcs vary as widely as humans do, though most human tend to find half-orcs homely, at best.

Half-orcs may become clerics, fighters, thieves, and assassins. Multi-class options are cleric/assassin, cleric/thief, fighter/cleric, fighter/assassin, and fighter/thief.

Half-orcs have infravision to 60 yards. They may speak common and orcish.

Half-orcs receive a +1 bonus to their strength (18 maximum) and constitution, but must take a -2 penalty to their charisma and a -3 penalty to their comeliness.