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Lightning Genasi

More than any other Inner Plane, the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning gets lots of visits from Powers. Oh sure, the four major Inner planes see their share of visiting Powers, and the Plane of Ice gets a few now and again. As for the other Inner Planes, they occasionally get a Divine visitor from time-to-time, but it's soddin' rare (and they visit the Plane of Ooze least of all - a fact that really torques the Ooze Genasi). But the Plane of Lightning gets 'em on a fairly regular, fairly frequent basis. Sometimes it seems you can't swing a dead wererat without it passing through some god's divine aura.

Sages of the Multiverse are wont to speculate on most things, and they're no different on this subject. The consensus seems to be that the various powers of storms, lightning, and thunder are more likely to revel in their area of control. Thus, they're more likely to take a side trip to the Plane of Lightning so they can immerse themselves in the raw, unbridled display of The Storm.

Whatever the reason may be for these visits, most Lightning Genasi have experienced the nearness and presence of a deity at least once in their lives. Of course, since being in the direct presence of a Power is usually enough to turn most cutters to dust and ashes, Lightning Genasi (at least the ones still living afterwards) are usually several miles away when they experience this brief brush with divinity. But divine power being what it is, this is usually enough to have a profound impact on a sod's life, and the Lightning Genasi seem to bear this out.

Vassals of the Storm (as they call themselves) are fascinated by powers. Their experience with the Divine works like an epiphany for most of the sods, and almost all Lightning Genasi are convinced that the True Dark of the Multiverse lies in worshiping the right power (which is why you'll almost never see 'em in the Athar, and only rarely in the Godsmen).

At first, their fascination tends to revolve around powers of storms, lightning, or thunder (since they're the ones most likely to visit the Plane of Lightning). But when they leave the Plane and find themselves in the greater Multiverse, many Lightning Genasi discover that there's more to divinity than just storm-based deities. This usually results in a lot of soul-searching and temple-visiting and asking lots of pointed questions to the priests of various deities. Planewalking Lightning Genasi take this a bit further and wander the realms of the Powers themselves, going from realm to realm and asking their pointed questions directly of the proxies of these powers. As such (and depending on how respectful the Lightning Genasi is), the life of a planewalking Vassal of the Storm can be either very rewarding, or very short.

All Lightning Genasi will possess one or more of the following physical attributes:

Vassals of the Storm gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity and Wisdom, but suffer a -1 penalty to Strength and Constitution. They are completely immune to non-magical lightning (or other non-magical electrical effects) and take only half damage from magical lightning. Lightning Genasi are also immune to any deafening, stunning, or other effects which result from by loud, booming noises (magical or otherwise). Note that this only applies to loud, booming noises similar to thunder (such as from drums of panic); Lightning Genasi suffer the full effects of the wail of a Howler, the wail of a Banshee, the winds of Pandemonium, etc.

Lightning Genasi also gain a +1 bonus every 5 levels to their saving throws vs. air- or electrical-based magic attacks. Finally, Lightning Genasi have a shocking grasp ability. The effects are identical to the 1st-level wizard spell of the same name. Lightning Genasi can use this ability once per day, as though they were 5th-level wizards.

Lightning Genasi can be fighters, mages, or clerics. Due to their fascination with powers, they have some interesting class options not available to any other race in the Multiverse. Any Lightning Genasi cleric can, upon gaining a new level, opt to become a speciality priest with enough experience points to put him at the beginning of half his new cleric level (round fractions down). This reflects the Lightning Genasi's tendency to investigate the Powers before deciding which one to follow. (For example, a Lightning Genasi cleric can, upon reaching 4th or 5th level, decide to become a speciality priest. The Genasi will then become a 2nd-level specialty priest with the bare minimum points necessary to be 2nd-level.) This also means that a cleric must be at least 2nd level before becoming a priest, and so no Lightning Genasi can start out as a speciality priest.

Similarly, Lightning Genasi fighters and mages can be dual-classed (like humans), with the following restrictions:

(For purposes of the +1 bonus per vs. air- or electical-based magic every five levels mentioned above, this goes on hold until the specialty priest reaches the same level reached by the cleric before he converted. So you can't reach a +3 bonus as a 15th-level cleric, become a 7th-level specialty priest, and then get another +1 bonus when the priest reaches 12th level. Nice try, though, berk.)

Lightning Genasi may be of any alignment.

Ability Requirements:

3/18 9/18 5/18 9/18 3/18 3/18

Age and Aging Effects: Same as for normal Genasi

Average Height and Weight: Same as for Air Genasi

Level Limits: