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Like their close cousins the Earth Genasi, Magma Genasi tend to be ponderous and deliberate in their outward motions. However, this slow, monolithic movement disguises a fiercely active and intelligent mind. As a consequence, the curiosity typical of all Para- and Quasi-Genasi manifests in Magma Genasi as a desire to explore, investigate, and truly understand the Multiverse. For many Lawfully inclined Magma Genasi, this draws them towards the Guvners. But regardless of the Faction to which they belong, Magma Genasi are always among their Faction's most profound philosophers due to their constant inquiry and introspection into the nature of their beliefs and the Multiverse.

On a less political note, Magma Genasi almost always become active planewalkers. Hopping from plane to plane and exploring the vast variety of the Multiverse is certainly one way to learn more about it, after all. Other Magma Genasi focus their curiosity and have gone on to become noted naturalists and researchers, such as Braus Horfand, who wrote the seminal work on the ecology of the Lower Planes.

Appearance-wise, Magma Genasi tend to be thick and bulky, but more rounded than their Earth Genasi counterparts. Additionally, Magma Genasi have one or more of the following characteristics:

Magma Genasi add +1 to their Intelligence because of their inquisitive natures, but lose -1 from their Charisma since they prefer researching interesting minutiae about the Multiverse instead of learning standard social graces. Magma Genasi are completely unaffected by either normal fire or by lava, and could swim, breathe, and live in an active volcano if they felt like it (and some do just to keep away unwanted visitors). Furthermore, Magma Genasi gain a +1 bonus per every 5 levels applied to their saving throws vs. magical fire- or lava-based attacks. Finally, Magma Genasi can Heat Rock once per day as though they were a 5th-Level Priest. Aside from the fact that it affects rock instead of metal, Heat Rock is identical to the 2nd-level Priest spell Heat Metal.

Magma Genasi can be fighters, mages, Fire Elementalist mages, Earth Elementalist mages, speciality priests, or a multiclassed fighter/mage, fighter/elementalist mage or fighter/priest character. Note that Magma Genasi can't be standard clerics, since their desire to investigate and understand the Multiverse makes them gravitate towards specific deities. Speciality priests must pick a power of Fire, Earth, or Lava. Magma Genasi can be of any alignment.

Ability Requirements:

6/18 4/18 6/18 3/18 6/18 3/18

Age and Aging Effects: Same as for normal Genasi

Average Height and Weight: Same as for Earth Genasi

Level Limits:

Fighter: 15
Wizard*: 16
Speciality Priest: 14

*includes specialist Mages