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The Medusa

     Racial Min/Max     Racial Modifiers     Natural AC 5
     Str   3  /  17          -1 Str          Base Move: 9'
     Dex   7  /  18          +1 Dex          Size: M (6'- 7' tall)
     Con   3  /  17          -1 Con          
     Int   3  /  18          
     Wis   3  /  17          
     Chr   7  /  18          +1 Chr (oddly enough)

     Available Class Combinations     LvL Max: check Table 9, Page 24 DM's Guide

     Medusae stand 5' to 6' tall with their serpentine lochs being up to an additional
1'.  They are beautiful shapely women, with snakes for hair.  They have black eyes
that show no soul.  Physically, Medusae are frail like elves.  Their muscles do not
excessively develope as Medusae rarely engage in normal melee combat.  They tend to
use stealth and their special attacks.
     The Medusae as a PC race do have powers related to their "monster" counterparts,
but they are not as powerful in the beginning.  They develope as the character rises
in level.

Medusae possess the following abilities ---------------------------------------------:
     PC Medusae are immune to the gaze effect of another Medusa with less hit dice or
experience levels than the PC.
     Gaze Attack: Medusae have the natural ability to petrify any creature.  This
ability can be used once per day, per experience level.  This attack is an effort by
the PC and is the only action that may be performed in a melee round.  It has a range
of 30'.  During the attack, the eyes become a glowing red, like embers, visible up to
30'.  It is assumed that any creature in combat with the Medusa may meet its gaze.
The Medusa summons her power and attempts to focus directly upon the creature's eyes.
The creature must make a saving throw vs. petrification, or be turned into lifeless
     Vision: Medusae can see creatures in the Ethereal or Astral Plane.  They can also
force their gaze attack on creatures in these planes, as well.
     InfraVision: 60' range.  From elven blood.
     Serpentine growths: the hair of a Medusa is serpentine lochs.  These snakes have
an attack range of only 1'.  They may strike, in addition to any other attack that is
normally allowed during a combat round.  This attack, regardless of the number of
serpents striking, is considered only a single dice attack.  If the serpents hit, the
damage is 1d4 SM / 1d2 L.  In addition to the bite damage, the victim must make a
saving throw vs. poison.  If the save fails, beginning in the next round, the victim
begins to suffer 1d4 SM / 1d2 L poison damage each round.  The poison attack lasts a
number of rounds equal to the experience level of the character, or until a successful
save is made by the victim.

Medusae possess the following limitations -------------------------------------------:
     Mirrors: Medusae are vulnerable to their own perfect gaze.  If a target has
initiative before the Medusa and is aware of a gaze attack, they may attempt to place
a mirror in front of the Medusa to block the attack.  Treat this as a normal attack
for that round.  If successful, then the Medusa must make a saving throw vs. her own
petrification.  Failure means that the Medusa is turned to stone.  This is what
causes a PC Medusa to hesitate when thinking about using her power.