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Minotaurs are powerfully built and tower more than seven feet in height, with the head of a bull and the body of a human. Their coloration can range from black to white with brown and red being common. The males gorw horns from 1 to 2 feet in length while the females are a bit shorter. Minotaurs revere physical strength above all else, and they believe that the strong should naturally rule the weak. They are ruthless, harsh, and stubborn, but they can be surprisingly intelligent and introspective. Their society is based upon the strongest and most capable warriors ruling. Female minotaurs are just as capable as the males and can fight to improve their station.

Racial Adjustments:  +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha

Level Limits:
Fighter: U
Gladiator: U
Ranger: 12
Cleric: 7
Wizard: 8
Thief: 10

Racial Characteristics:
Height in Inches Weight in Pounds
Base Modifier Base Modifier
84/78 2d12 270/225 8d10
Starting Age Maximum Age Range
Base Age Variable (Base + Variable)
14 1d4 100 + 2d20

Minotaur Abilities:

All minotaurs can headbutt for 2d6 damage and have a natural armor class of 6. They recieve an additional six hitpoints at first level. Due to their immense size, minotaurs take damage as large creatures. Minotaur characters recieve 30 character points with which to pick their initial abilities.