Rogue Modron

Character Points: 40

Standard abilities: Armor, detect doors, resist unlawful influences, saving throw bonus, superior sight.

Armor (10/15): The PC possesses a tough, semi-metallic skin allowing a natural AC of 8. For 15 points, the rogue Modron has enhanced armor granting an AC of 6.

Detect doors (5): The PC has a 2-in-6 chance of discovering secret doors and a 3-in-6 chance of detecting concealed doors.

Detect lie (5): The PC can detect lie once a day.

Fitness bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Constitution/Fitness sub-ability.

Four arms (10): The PC possesses an extra pair of mechanical arms, which can be used to wield another weapon and carry a shield (much like a thri-kreen PC).

Health bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Constitution/Health sub-ability.

Infravision (5): The PC possesses infravision to 120’.

Knowledge bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Knowledge sub-ability.

Magic resistance (10): The PC receives magic resistance equal to 2% per experience level.

Modron powers – minor (10): Once a day, the PC can cast clairaudience, clairvoyance, or command. At 7th level, PC can use all of these abilities once a day.

Modron powers – major (15): Once a week, the PC can use his innate ability to cast dimension door, teleport without error, or wall of force. At 9th level, the PC can use all of these abilities once a week.

Reason bonus (10): The PC gains +1 to the Intelligence/Reason sub-ability.

Resist chaos (5): The PC receives a +1 to all saves versus wild magic, spells cast by chaotic individuals, and spells from the priest sphere of chaos.

Resist unlawful influences (10): The PC has a 30% resistance to illusions, energy drains, charm, sleep, fear, domination, and other mind-affecting spells.

Saving throw bonus (5): The PC possesses the modronic resistance to fire, cold, and acid, gaining a +1 to all saving throws vs. any such attacks.

Sense Moderns (5): Ever alert to the fact that it may be captured by a Modron patrol and returned for judgment on Mechanus, the PC can detect at will all Moderns within 60 yards. Detection requires the Modron’s full concentration for each round to be maintained.

Superior sight (5): The PC’s vision is double the normal range of sight.

Telepathy (5): At will, the PC can converse telepathically with any creature of lawful alignment.

Winged Modron (10): The PC possesses a pair of wings allowing flight (MV 15, MC D).

Abilities available to all Planescape races

All Races

Alignment Affinity (5)

The PC is instantly aware of any beings within 20’ who possess the same alignment as himself. For example, a paladin knows when a lawful good Aasimar has just stepped behind him but does not learn the alignment of the lawful neutral good Deva crossing in front of him unless he employs some other means of divination.

Magical Perception (10)

Regardless of whether the PC is a spellcaster, he understands how the unique nature of his home plane affects magic. This includes which schools of magic are affected, how it is affected, and why ("You’re on Mechanus berk – wild magic is useless here and against the law."). This ability does not provide other magical insight, such as spell keys.

Planar Recognition (5)

Upon sight, the PC instantly recognizes any beings who originate from his home planet as a fellow native. Only true natives of the PC’s plane can be discerned. This ability does not grant the ability to recognize those who migrated to the PC’s home plane from another plane. The PC does not gain any other information about the beings he encounters.

Planar Resistance (5)

The PC receives a +3 bonus to all saves versus any naturally occurring phenomena on his home plane (plane of birth).

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