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Of all the Genasi (Para-, Quasi-, or otherwise), none are regarded with more suspicion and fear than the Negative Energy Genasi -- known among Planars as Negatai, and among themselves as Sceptres of Unlife.

Like their Para- and Quasi-Genasi cousins, Negatai are quite curious about the Multiverse. However, their curiosity is shaped by their native plane. Negatai grow up on a plane that is formed from the very stuff of anti-life, and which is populated by hordes of free-willed undead. This has an effect on a sod's outlook, as one might expect.

When they leave their native plane, they discover life - and death - in abundance. Most Negatai don't understand life well enough to deal with it very well. Life is a foreign concept to them, much like a Modron trying to understand Chaos. But they understand death perfectly. And this is why they're so feared on the Planes.

Y'see, a small percentage of Negatai hit the Planes and just can't seem to deal with being surrounded by vibrant, incessant life. So, in order to recreate some of the "comforts of home," they begin killing folks. Some don't even bother to be subtle about it, mowing down innocent civilians until put down by the Hardheads or the Red Death. Others are a bit craftier, and can carry on a campaign of grisly killings for years before being caught (or finding a way back to the Negative Energy Plane). Thankfully, this doesn't happen too often. But when it does, it tends to stick in a sod's mind, and all Negatai have suffered by being associated with their infamous, bloodthirsty brethren.

By far, the overwhelming majority of Negatai loose on the Multiverse are not going around putting sods in the dead-book just so the Negatai can be reminded of their native plane. But most of 'em are fascinated (some berks say "comforted") by death and the dead. Again, this is because they have an innate and natural understanding of death, but not of life. This manifests itself in various ways. A lot of Negatai - especially the fighters - roam the Planes learning the various death rituals of different cultures. They do this so that they may give the appropriate "last rites" to foes they've slain in combat. Others become Necromancers, learning the hidden magical Darks of life (and death). Still others become priests of Death-related Powers.

Interestingly enough, and contrary to what a lot of berks would assume, Negatai aren't any more (or less) likely to join the Dustmen than any other sod. Sure, the Negatai understand death, but that doesn't automatically mean they think everyone is already dead (which is the central belief of the Dustmen). Still, when a Negatai does join the Dustmen, he usually rises pretty quickly through the ranks.

All Negatai have jet black skin. Their skin is so dark, in fact, that it seems to absorb light. It's also very cold to the touch. No other distinguishing features have been recorded.

The nature of their plane imbues them with a certain amount of power, and so Negatai recieve a +1 bonus to their Strength. It also makes them more susceptible to death, reflected in a -1 penalty to their Constitution. Being natives of the Negative Energy Plane, the very nature of a Negatai is suffused with the essence of Unlife, and this confers the following benefits and hindrances:

Negatai can be fighters, mages, Necromancers, clerics, speciality priests, or thieves. They can also be fighter/Necromancers or Necromancer/thieves. Negatai speciality priests must follow a Power of Death. And contrary to what many bashers might suspect, Negatai can be of any alignment. Death isn't necessarily evil, berk. It just is.

Ability Requirements:

7/18 3/18 5/18 3/18 3/18 3/18

Age and Aging Effects: Same as for other genasi.

Average Height and Weight:

Thief Racial Adjustments:

Level Limits: