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Platinum Elves

Platinum Elves:

    Platinum elves are believed to be the descendants of a long-lost elven house. Platinum elves believe strongly in discipline and order. This caused animosity with their more chaotic brethern millenia ago, and they sought a new home in the outer planes. They eventually found that home in the outer planes of law, primarily Arcadia, which suited their ethos. Personal and family honor defines every aspect of their daily lives. Among platinum elves, one's word of honor is to be upheld at any cost. These attitudes make the platinum elves sympathetic to the Harmonium, the Guvners, and the Order of the Planes Militant.
    The platinum elves hold little animosity for their distant cousins on the prime.
    As mentioned above, platinum elves are similar in appearance to grey elves. They are generally taller and have more exotic eye and hair colors, tending towards silvery or silvery blue eyes and silvery or platinum white hair. They also exude a commanding presence beyond mere description.

Game Attributes: Platinum Elves

    If you use the statistics of planar elves as written in Dragon #235, assume those to be planar settlers of a more mundane sort, similar to the way planar humans came to the planes.
    Platinum elves have some different ability modifiers and S&P abilities: