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by Christopher Perkins

“Quesar, it is said, were created by a group of lawful aasimon to serve as guardians over celestial treasures. These aasimon went to the radiant plains of Elysium and into the layer known as Belieren. There, they formed from the marshy mud a dried husk of human shape and form. In a hidden fortress called Nellis-thur, the aasimon magically transformed this mannequin so that it would absorb its energy from daylight. The fires of the construct began deep within it, but they quickly blossomed forth in cascades of might. “Soon the creation was more essence than form. The aasimon named the fruit of their labors a quesar, which meant ‘borrowed from heaven’s crown.’ They were so enamored with themselves and their ingenuity that they immediately began creating more …” - Planes of Conflict Monstrous Supplement [2615]

The quesar are, at once, a source of pride and shame for the aasimon. Unlike the clumsy, nonsentient golems crafted by mortals, the quesar are radiant, free-thinking beings infused with life and an unshakable desire to uphold the cause of good. They are virtuous, strident, and compassionate by design. The aasimon, in their supreme arrogance, thought they had created the perfect servitors. However, once the eagerness to please their creators had worn off, the quesar rejected their role of servitude. They had every intention of remaining a powerful force for good, but they wanted to walk their own path. The aasimon reacted poorly to the quesar’s push toward freedom, thinking them insolent and disrespectful. The rift between the creators and the created widened until, at last, this divergence led to war.
The conflict between the aasimon and the quesar shook the heavens. The arguments were heard throughout the Upper Planes. The war ended quickly with the intervention of the powers of Elysium, who advised the aasimon to recognize the quesar as beings of order who follow the commands of no one. These powers then turned to the quesar and advised them not to succumb to rash thoughts and chaos, for such was not the way of Elysium. Thus the quarrel ended. While the Upper Planes turned their attention back toward the Blood War and other pressing concerns, the aasimon left the quesar to fend for themselves.
The quesar appear as slender humans with narrow faces and pointed ears. (For mostly esthetic reasons, they appear as males and females, although they are actually genderless.) Quesar lack many of the fine social graces of the true celestials, and they seem wholly incapable of laughter. (Granted, since the time of their creation, the quesar have found little humor in their lives.) Their seemingly delicate forms radiate incredible amounts of energy which the quesar can vary in intensity. The energy encompassing an enraged quesar has been likened to that of a newborn star.

 Their Powers 

Quesar are immune to energy-based attacks such as fire, lightning, and magic missiles, and they possess magic resistance. (See “Special Benefits” below.) These luminous beings draw energy from the sun and regenerate 1 hit point per round while in daylight, even after they have been “slain.” There are only two ways to kill a quesar permanently. The first is to defeat the quesar in battle (i.e., reduce the quesar to -10 hit points) and then place its remains where daylight never reaches. After 1 turn in this state, the quesar cannot rejuvenate and simply fade out of existence. The second method requires the annihilation of the quesar by magical means, such as disintegration, multiple energy drains, or wish. Quesar rarely employ weapons, since even the most enchanted weapons would eventually melt or dissolve in their hands. (This is not true for most artifacts and relics.) Quesar normally attack with a burning strike, inflicting 1d12 points of damage per hit. The energy delivered by this attack affects all creatures, including those immune to magical fire. Magic resistance has no effect on this attack.
Quesar radiate an intense energy halo. At its lowest intensity, this light can blind all seeing creatures within 100 yards; such creatures must make a saving throw versus spell or be blinded for 1d10 rounds. (Creatures that do not have visual senses are unaffected.) This energy is equivalent to sunlight for purposes of battling certain evil and undead creatures. After one round of blinding light, the intensity can be increased, unleashing a pulse of searing light that inflicts 6d6 points of damage; a saving throw versus breath weapon reduces the damage by half. After a round of searing light, quesar can increase the intensity further:Everything within 5 yards must make a saving throw versus death magic or be incinerated. The searing light and incinerating light attacks can be used a specific number of times per day and even affect creatures immune to fire. Magic resistance does not apply to either attack form. See “Special Benefits” for details.
A quesar must rejuvenate its energy in the light of the sun. If deprived of sunlight for eight hours, the quesar’s searing radiance weakens and no longer inflicts damage; their melee attack inflicts 1d10 points of damage instead of 1d12 points. After twelve hours without sunlight, a quesar can no longer generate enough light to blind foes, and its melee attack inflicts only 1d8 points of damage. After twenty-four hours, the quesar loses its energy halo, appearing as nothing more than a delicate humanoid, and its strike inflicts only 1d6 points of damage. If reduced to -10 hit points in this form and left in the darkness for 1 turn, the quesar is forever slain. Quesar require no food, water, or air and can exist for thousands of years. However, quesar are essentially golems, incapable of procreation. The aasimon have refused to share the secrets of creating quesar, and as the quesar slowly die off, many planars suspect that there will come a day, several millennia hence, when quesar vanish from the heavens altogether.

 Their REALM 

Quesar inhabit Belieren, the third layer of Elysium. Most quesar remain there, occupying former aasimon strongholds, aiding travelers, or searching for a purpose. A few quesar have left Belieren to wander the Upper Planes, searching for a path or cause. Others, driven by an intensity greater than that of the fiercest aasimon, have found their way into the Lower Planes, where they fight spectacular, often suicidal battles against hordes of baatezu, tanar’ri, and yugoloths.

 Their VIRTUES 

The honest, passionate, and free-thinking quesar are the enigmas and pariahs of the Upper Planes. Since turning against their creators, the quesar have been alienated from the celestial hierarchy and left to find their own path. Even when their powers would make them useful as allies in conflicts against evil, they are never approached by the other celestial races for aid. The aasimon, righteous magistrates of the Upper Planes, have not forgiven the quesar for their insolence. For millennia, the quesar have endured aasimon scorn and languished half-forgotten in their desolate realm. This has made some quesar fiercely determined to prove themselves in the eyes of their celestial peers-a drive that can seem overwhelming and can lead the quesar to commit valiant yet self-destructive deeds. Quesar are sensible, but like golems they think nothing of their own safety, always placing their mission or task above any instinct for self-preservation. A quesar thinks nothing of wading into a pack of fiends, using its radiant halo and burning touch to incinerate evil even as it’s being dragged down by fiendish talons.
Quesar are not bound by strict laws, nor do they wish to impose their own beliefs on others. They aid the cause of good where they can and destroy evil where it dwells.


Without a strong, overriding purpose, most quesar continue to perform the tasks for which they were originally created:guarding powerful artifacts of good hidden in aasimon citadels on the third layer of Elysium. A few quesar wander the planes, searching for a valorous cause, but rarely are they found in the company of other celestials. More often they travel alone or join the ranks of heroic planewalkers in need of strong allies. A few lucky quesar find permanent homes in the Upper Planes, as guardians and assistants to powerful and benevolent wizards and priests. At least one tulani eladrin has gone against the wishes of the aasimon and taken a quesar outcast into his Twilight Court, but such instances are understandably rare. Quesar who find no purpose on the Upper Planes usually ensure their own destruction by facing evil alone on the Lower Planes.

 DEALING WITH OTHER CELESTIALS  There is no greater anomosity among the celestials than that which exists between the quesar and the aasimon. Time has not healed the wounds between the constructs and their creators. Quesar have no dealings with the aasimon, and a handful resent the aasimon’s refusal to share the secrets of quesar creation. Quesar dealings with other celestial races (archons, asuras, eladrins, and guardinals) are mostly incidental. The most frequent contact occurs on Belieren, where groups of guardinals are known to train and hunt. These visiting guardinals occasionally encounter quesar and ask for directions through Belieren’s vast bogs, but the quesar are never invited to join them.
Asuras are enthralled by the quesar and admire their persistent refusal to serve the aasimon. It’s no secret that the aasimon and the asuras do not see “eye to eye.” A number of asuras have tried to help the quesar gain recognition in the celestial hierarchy; to date, however, their efforts have met with little success, as the other celestial races are less inclined to oppose the wishes of the all-mighty aasimon.


In the beginning, all quesar were created equal. At that time, the aasimon perceived the quesar as little more than obedient constructs. As they refined the process of creating quesar, the aasimon began to experiment. Arrogant in their ingenuity, they wanted to create something far surpassing anything mortals could hope to construct, and thus a society of quesar came to be. The aasimon gave the quesar opportunities to learn and the power to grow, and each construct was infused with a trace of individuality.
Thousands of millennia after their birth, the quesar continue to struggle with their identity, but only a few have managed to garner some attention for their deeds (or misdeeds, depending on whom you ask). One of the first quesar to rebuke aasimon domination was Ourixad, who stood before the Parliament of the Concordance and demanded freedom for his people. Ourixad was also one of the first casualties in the brief aasimon-quesar conflict-slain by a righteous, fiery-tempered planetar. Other quesar of note include the barmy Azabrallica, who left Belieren to wage a private war against the tanar’ri. At least one quesar is known to dwell in the planar city of Sigil, although his name and deeds are not known.


A player who wishes to run a quesar character must begin that character at 1st-level. Quesar may be fighters, paladins, mages (but not specialist wizards), clerics (but not specialty priests), and bards.
The quesar are not pious beings by design, but many have found strength in religion. This transformation began when the strife between the quesar and the aasimon prompted several gods on Elysium to advance and affirm quesar independence-a motion that the quesar have not forgotten. Quesar paladins and clerics must choose a primary and secondary power to worship from Table 1 below; quesar fighters, wizards, and bards may choose both a primary and secondary power, a primary power only, or no power whatsoever. For more information on primary and secondary powers, consult the Warriors of Heaven accessory.

Table 1:Deities of the Quesar

Deity	Pantheon	Status	Portfolio	AL	Plane/Layer	Influence1
Belenus	Celtic	Intermediate	Sun, light, heat	NG	Elysium/Thalasia	Primary, Secondary
Bragi	Norse	Intermediate	Poetry, music	NG	Elysium/Eronia	Primary2,Secondary
Diulanna	Mystara	Lesser	Determination	NG	Elysium/Amoria	Secondary
Eldath	Toril	Lesser	Peace, pools, groves	NG	Elysium/Eronia	Secondary
Kuan-ti	Chinese	Intermediate	Diplomacy 	NG	Elysium/Amoria	Primary, Secondary
Majere	Krynn	Intermediate	Thought, control	NG	Elysium/Amoria	Primary3, Secondary
Nut	Egyptian	Intermediate	Sky	NG	Elysium/Belierin	Primary, Secondary
Pelor	Oerth	Greater	Sun, light, healing	CG	Elysium/Amoria	Primary
Savitri	Indian	Intermediate	Life, light	NG	Elysium/Amoria	Primary
Seker	Egyptian	Lesser	Light	NG	Elysium/Thalasia	Secondary
Ushas4	Indian	Intermediate	Light, dawn	LG	Elysium/Eronia	Primary, Secondary
Zodal	Oerth	Lesser	Mercy, hope	NG	Elysium/Eronia	Secondary
1 If a deity’s influence is “Primary,” that deity can only be selected as a character’s primary power. If a deity’s influence is “Secondary,” the deity can only be selected as a character’s secondary power. If a deity’s influence is “Primary/Secondary,” the deity may be selected as either a primary or secondary power.
2 Only bards may select Bragi as a primary power.
3 Only wizards may select Majere as a primary power.
4 Quesar paladins must choose Ushas as either their primary or secondary power.


The frail-looking bodies of the quesar are deceptive, as the quesar possess surprising fortitude. However, they are not especially strong. Quesar PCs receive a +1 bonus to Constitution and suffer a -1 penalty to Strength. Despite being somewhat antisocial, quesars are radiant, heavenly beings and possess a minimum Charisma score of 9.

Ability	Minimum	Maximum
Strength	3	17
Dexterity	3	18
Constitution	3	19
Intelligence	3	18
Wisdom	3	18
Charisma	9	18

Quesar PCs can be fighters, paladins, mages, clerics, and bards. They can be multiclassed with the following options: fighter/mage, fighter/cleric, and fighter/bard.

Class	Max. Level	
Fighter	18
Paladin	18
Mage	16
Cleric	14
Bard	14
Quesar have a height of 60 + 2d10 inches and a weight of 120 + 6d10 pounds.

Quesar PCs receive Hit Dice by class. They gain the usual bonus hit points for high Constitution scores.

Quesar PCs are typically neutral good, although lawful good and chaotic good quesar are permitted. Quesar paladins must be lawful good. Any quesar whose alignment shifts to evil, either through its own misdeeds or because of some horrible magical influence (such as a helm of opposite alignment) is instantly and irrevocably destroyed.

At 1st level, quesar PCs have a natural Armor Class of 3. For every two levels thereafter, the quesar’s natural AC improves by 1 (i.e., AC 2 at 3rd-level, AC1 at 5th-level, AC0 at 7th-level, AC-1 at 9th-level, and so on). Quesars cannot wear armor or employ magical protection devices of any kind (including magical rings, bracers, ioun stones, cloaks, and the like), relying on their natural AC and Dexterity modifiers in combat.

Quesar can communicate with any intelligent creature using a powerful form of telepathy. They also speak their own unique language, which is clearly understood by all other celestial races as well as intelligent creatures of the same alignment. Quesar can read and comprehend any written language.

Quesar cannot become proficient with weapons, regardless of class. They may choose from the following nonweapon proficiencies (italicized proficiencies are described in the Planewalker’s Handbook [2620]):Agriculture, Ancient History, Artistic Ability, Dancing, Direction Sense, Endurance, Etiquette, Heraldry, Languages (ancient), Languages (modern), Planar Direction Sense, Planar Sense, Planar Survival, Planology, Portal Feel, Religion, Running, Singing, Spellcraft, Spell Recovery, Stonemasonry, Tracking.

• At 1st-level, a quesar has 15% magic resistance. Each level thereafter, the quesar’s magic resistance increases by 5%. Thus, an 8th-level quesar has 50% magic resistance, while an 18th-level quasar fighter has 100% magic resistance! For multiclassed quesar, use the average of the two classes (rounded down) to determine the quesar’s level. Thus, a 3rd-level fighter/1st-level wizard quesar is treated as a 2nd-level character and has 20% magic resistance.
• Quesar are impervious to nonmagical weapons. As quesar increase in level, they become more difficult to harm even with magical weapons. Refer to Table 2; for multiclassed quesar, use the average level of the two classes (rounded down).

Table 2: Quesar Weapon Immunities
Level 		Only Harmed By
1-3 		+1 or better magical weapons
4-6 		+2 or better magical weapons
7-12 		+3 or better magical weapons
13+ 		+4 or better magical weapons
• Quesar PCs can use their blinding radiance as often as desired, provided the quesar have the solar energy to maintain their radiant aura. Quesar PCs at 1st-level can use their blinding light power thrice per day, their searing light power once per day, and cannot yet harness the power to generate incinerating light. (See “Their Powers” for details.) Manipulating their radiant auras to unleash energy of such intensity takes practice and time.
The frequency with which a quesar may use its searing light and incinerating light attacks varies with level:
Table 3: Quesar Aura Intensities and Frequencies

Level1		Blinding Light2	Searing Light3	Incinerating Light4
1 		3/day 			No 			No
2 		4/day 			No 			No
3 		5/day 			1/day 			No
4 		6/day 			2/day 			No
5 		At will 			3/day 			No
6 		At will 			4/day 			1/day
7 		At will 			5/day 			2/day
8-9 		At will 			6/day 			3/day
10-11 	At will 			7/day 			4/day
12-14 	At will 			8/day 			5/day
15-18 	At will 			At will 			6/day