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the Sirine
Converted to a PC Race by: Acid Reflex

     Racial Min/Max     Racial Modifiers     Natural AC 7 (magical -3 to AC)
     Str   3  /  18                          Base Move: 12'/ SW 24'
     Dex  14  /  19          +1 Dex          Size: M (5'- 6' tall)
     Con   6  /  18          
     Int   8  /  18                         Level Maximum Chart
     Wis   3  /  18          -1 Wis   Prime Requisite     Level Limit
     Chr   9  /  18                          9                 3 
                                            10                 4
                                            11                 5
                                            12                 6
     Available Class Combinations*          13                 7
              Fighter                       14                 8
              Mage**                        15                 9
              Cleric                        16                10
              Thief                         17                11
                                            18+               12

     * May be any combination of Multi-Class
     ** May specialize in Alteration or Enchantment/Charm

     Sirines are beautiful women from the depths of the ocean.  They have skin
tones ranging from human to light yellow-green. 
 Their hair can be almost any
color, althou silver and dark green are common. 
 They wear scanty clothing, at
best.  They are very dextrous individuals, on land or in the water.  They feel
that clothing restricts their movement.

     Sirines breath water and air, equally.  While there is no set game mechanic
restriction on their land based dwelling, Sirines will eventually die if totally
deprived of water, so they do prefer a swim, whenever possible.

     PC Sirines have the following special abilities:
     Languages: able to speak Sirine and Common.
     Infravision: 120' range.
     Magical AC Bonus: always receives a special -3 to AC.
     Save vs. Poison: +2 to save.
     Immunity: to all forms of gas attacks.
     Spell Ability: may cast the following, as a mage of equal level, once per
day: Charm Person, Fog Cloud, Polymorph Self, and Improved Invisibility.
For all other considerations not mentioned above, please refer to the
Monstrous Manual under Sirine, page 314.