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Converted to a PC Race by: Wes

     Racial Min/Max     Racial Modifiers     Natural AC 9
     Str   3  /  13          -1 Str          Base Move: 12'/ FL 36'(A)
     Dex  12  /  18                          Size: M (4'- 5' tall)
     Con   3  /  12          -1 Con
     Int  15  /  19          +1 Int
     Wis   5  /  17
     Chr  13  /  19          +1 Chr

     Available Class Combinations     Mage Level Max.  : unlimited
              Mage                    Cleric LeveL Max.: 10

     Sylphs fight solely with magic or clerical spells.  In order to represent
this, they have a bonus chart for their Intelligence score that provides bonus
spells, just like the one for Wisdom and Priests.  Sylphs have no chance of
failure when trying to learn an elemental air spell.

          Intelligence Score     Bonus Mage Spells Memorized per day
                  13                             1st
                  14                             1st
                  15                             2nd
                  16                             2nd
                  17                             3rd
                  18                             4th
                  19                           1st,3rd

     A sylph character can not wear any armour, as it gets in the way of casting
spells, and their ability to fly.
     Sylphs have a natural invisibility, as spell, usable once per day for every
2 levels.  Once per day at levels 1 and 2, twice a day at levels 3 and 4, etc.
     For all other considerations not mentioned above, please refer to the
Monstrous Manual under Elemental, Air Kin, page 101.