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Ability Score Adjustments: +1 to Strength and Constitution. –2 to Intelligence and Wisdom.
Ability             Min       Max
Strength            8           19
Dexterity          3           18
Constitution       8           19
Intelligence       2           16
Wisdom            3          18
Charisma          2          16
Class Restrictions
Class                   Max Level
Fighter                 12
Ranger                 9  (mountain, hill, underdark)
Paladin                 --
Barbarian             12
Cleric                   12
Druid                    9 (gray, mountain)
Shaman                 7
Witch Doctor         --
Thief                     9
Bard                     --
Psionicist                   9
Multi-Class Options:  Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Shaman, Fighter/Thief.

Hit Dice: Troglodytes receive hit dice by class.

Alignment: Troglodytes tend towards Chaotic Evil. PC Troglodytes can be any alignment but tend to be Chaotic Good or some form of Neutral.

Background: Troglodytes are a warlike race of carnivorous humanoid reptiles that live in the natural caverns of hills and mountains. Unlike most reptilian creatures it is easy to tell a male Troglodyte from a female, males have a fin-like crest that runs across their head and down their neck. Coloration varies for both sexes because of their natural chameleon-like ability to change their skin tone but, their natural color is grayish-brown. Most Troglodytes don’t wear much more than a leather weapons belt and a couple of pouches to carry their possessions and meat. Troglodytes are strictly carnivorous.

It has long been thought that Troglodytes hate humans but this thinking is wrong. Troglodytes love the smell and taste of humans making them attack humans with more vigor and violence than they show other races. Many also believed that Troglodytes are incapable of manufacturing items and weapons made of metal. In fact the Troglodytes choose not to because they prefer the dark and the fire would ruin their infravison which is far stronger than an Elves infravision. This is also the reason why they don’t cook their meals before eating them.

Troglodytes have an extremely strong sense of smell making smell one of the most important parts of their language and daily lives. It isn’t all that strange to find many nice smelling flowers and spices among a Troglodytes personal possessions. When in combat Troglodytes rely more on scent than usual and it is their constant battle cries, combat orders, screams of rage, pain and hunger that reduces most non- Troglodytes to weak-kneed vomiting during combat.

Languages: Troglodytes normally speak their language and no other. PC Troglodytes that have joined human society will have most likely learned Common and a few Demi-Human or Humanoid languages. When speaking the Common tongue or any other language they will growl, hiss and emit scents but the scents will usually not become overwhelming.

Role-Playing Suggestions: Troglodyte adventurers are extremely rare because it is hard for them to over come their Evil and violent upbringing. Those that do take up the life of an adventurer have either become bored with their life in the tribe, have been exiled or they are one of the very few that were found by humans as an egg or hatchling and raised in the humans society.

The ones that have been raised by humans or have joined human society have come to understand that their scents can make humans uncomfortable and have learned to cut down on the use of the scents. No matter how well a Troglodyte was raised or treated by humans it will still be prone to outbursts of rage and anger. Those that left their tribe or were exiled by their tribe will be amazed by the amount of metal weapons, armor and tools. Most Troglodytes will favor wearing the arms and breast plate of any metal armor.

Special Advantages: Troglodytes possess 90 foot infravision. Troglodytes have 3 natural attacks per round, 2 claws (1d2/1d2) and one bite (1d4+1). Though they favor metal weapons they fight best with Troglodyte javelins and get a +3 to hit and damage with them. When wearing little, no or camouflage clothing they can use their natural chameleon ability to blend into the background (-4 on opponents surprise roll).

Special Disadvantages: None (Those that choose not to control their scents in combat will cause all non- Troglodytes to save vs. poison or lose 1d6 strength for 10 rounds.

Weapon Proficiencies: Troglodyte javelin, long sword, short sword, bastard sword, battle axe, morning star Nonweapon Proficiencies: Alertness, danger sense, drinking, eating, hiding, looting, hunting, intimidation, natural fighting, survival: underdark, tracking (+4 if tracking by scent), wild fighting

Height and Weight M/F

Height (inches): 60/60 +2d12
Weight (lbs): 170/170 +3d10

Age and Aging Effects

Starting age: 15 +1d4
Maximum age: 110 +2d10
Middle age: 55 -1 str/con, +1int/wis
Old age: 73 -2 str/dex, -1 con, +1 wis
Venerable: 110 -1 str/dex/con, +1 int/wis

Weapon gp Cost Weight lbs Size Type Speed Damage
Troglodyte Javelin 5 cp 2 L P 4 2d4/2d4

Troglodyte Thief Skill Modifiers
Skill                      Modifier
Pick pockets            -5%
Open locks              -5%
Find/remove traps    -5%
Move silently           +5%
Hide in shadows      +15%
Detect noise            +5%
Climb walls               --
Read languages       -10%