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Attribute Adjustments: +3 to Strength and Constitution, -3 to Intelligence, -2 to Wisdom and Charisma
Attribute Ranges
Attribute              Min/Max
Strength*               15/21
Dexterity                 3/17
Constitution*          12/21
Intelligence              1/15
Wisdom                   2/16
Charisma                 1/15
*Attribute notes: Limbs retain strength when severed. The regeneration from constitution is in addition to the Trolls natural regeneration. No matter what class they are Trolls roll for exceptional strength.
Class Restrictions
Class              Max Level
  Fighter             15
  Ranger              8 (Very rare! Mountains, forest, swamp, underdark)
  Paladin             --
  Barbarian         15
  Cleric               8 (Very rare!)
  Druid               --
  Shaman           12 (Females only!)
Psionicist            9 (Rare)
No multi-class
Hit Dice: Trolls receive hit dice by class. In addition they get 6 bonus hit points at first level.
Alignment: Trolls are Chaotic Evil. PC Trolls can be any alignment but tend to be some form of Neutral.
Natural Armor Class: 4
Background: Trolls are horrid, evil, carnivores that can be found all over the world. Most creatures avoid any kind of contact with Trolls because Trolls are fearless and fight viciously when hungry. Trolls are thin and appear to be weak but they are incredibly strong. Their arms and legs are long and ungainly. Their legs end in large, clawed three-toed feet and their arms end in wide, powerful, clawed hands. The Trolls rubbery hide is moss green, mottled green-gray or putrid gray. A mass of writhing greenish-black or iron gray hair grows from their skulls. They have dull, sunken black eyes that posses superior infravision (90ft).
Trolls have an upright stance but are usually hunched forward with sagging shoulders. Their gait is uneven and when they walk or run their hands drag along the ground. Even though they seem awkward they are capable of great agility and are masterful climbers. Males and females are easily distinguished, females are larger and more powerful.
Languages: Trolls speak “Trollspeak” which is a mishmash of common, giant, goblin, orc and hobgoblin. Trollspeak is highly transient and Trolls from different areas have only a 25% chance of understanding each other. PC Trolls can learn to speak other languages but will have a thick accent.
Role-Playing Suggestions:
  The Troll that becomes an adventurer is very, very rare. They find it hard to over come their Chaotic Evil natures and their love of human, demi-human and humanoid flesh. Those that do become adventurers usually do because they are outcasts or have tired of their tribes evil.
Because of their dull wittedness Trolls will usually be dumbly over nice and stupidly trustful. Trolls will be very protective of their weaker companions and will take, sometimes stupid, risks to save them. They will try to fit in with their companions but they will slip up from time to time.
Special Advantages: Trolls have three natural attacks 2 claws (1d4+4/1d4+4) and one bite (1d8+4) and they can direct each attack at a different foe. Trolls have 90ft infravision. Trolls are great climbers and have an 80% climb walls. Three rounds after getting injured they start to regenerate 3 hit points per round. In combat a Troll can throw a rock weighing 10 to 20 pounds up to 20 yards for 1d8 damage.
Special Disadvantages: Trolls take large damage. When wearing ring mail or less a Trolls limbs can be severed on a natural roll of 19 or 20. The severed limbs can still fight on their own and return to the body when combat is over. If a limb can’t rejoin with the body after 24 hours the limb dies. A Troll can regenerate a limb in one week, including the head! Bright sunlight hurts their eyes but they suffer no penalties.
Height and Weight modifiers (M/F)
Height:      96/102  +2d12
Weight:   280/300  +2d20
Age and Aging Modifiers
Starting age:  15 +1d4
Max age:  80 +1d20
Middle age:  40  -1 str/con, +1 int/wis
Old age:  54  -2 str/dex, -1 con, +1 wis
Venerable:  80  -1 str/dex/con, +1 int/wis