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Vacuum Genasi

"There are three types of sages: Those who do not mind admitting when they do not know the answer to a question, and those who do mind. Two types of sages." -Xansost the Slaad

Ask a sage to describe the sort of being that would be native to the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum, and many (perhaps most) sages would mutter something about "creatures of pure thought" and then quickly change the subject. Bring up the existence of Vacuum Genasi and ask these same sages how a "creature of pure thought" could produce a half-breed, and most will have you forcibly removed from the premises.

Despite the difficulties in explaining their existence, there's no denying that they do exist. Of course, as things in the Multiverse tend to go, lots of berks wish they didn't. Y'see, the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum isn't a popular plane. There's no air, no sound, damned few pockets of other Elemental matter, even fewer residents, and almost no visitors. Oh sure, it has the occasional bit of excitement -- after all, in an infinitely large plane, something's bound to happen from time-to-time to break up the monotony. But outside of the Positive and Negative Energy Planes, the Plane of Vacuum is the most difficult Inner Plane on which to survive (since Airy Element and Breathe Element spells don't work on vacuum, among other reasons), and so excitement happens here a bit less on average than on the other Inner Planes. As a consequence, the Offspring of the Void are probably the least sophisticated race in the planes. And that's putting it mildly.

Think of the most clueless, wide-eyed Prime berk you can think of, and they'll look like Tarsheva Longreach herself next to the average Vacuum Genasi. But whereas Primes are clueless due to their arrogant assumption that their Crystal Sphere is the Center of the Multiverse, Vacuum Genasi are clueless because they have absolutely no experience with things most everyone else takes for granted. Like razorvine. Or bariaur. Or smog.

But Vacuum Genasi have something that Primes don't: the natural curiosity about the Multiverse that exists in all Para- and Quasi-Genasi. Unfortunately, this often makes them act even more clueless than Prime berks. Since they come from a plane that has almost nothing in it, everything is new and exciting to an Offspring of the Void. So Vacuum Genasi spend a lot of time wandering the planes with an excited, awe-filled expression pasted on their faces, and this is true whether they're looking at Mount Olympus or a pile of Bebilith droppings.

Most Vacuum Genasi get over it. Eventually. If they live. But it usually takes longer for them to shed their "cluelessness" than it does for even the most backward Prime. And even experienced, powerful Vacuum Genasi still have a touch of the "wide-eyed tourist" about them. Growing up in a nearly empty plane is not something one loses easily, after all.

Offspring of the Void all look very gaunt, sometimes to the point of seeming emaciated (although they're perfectly healthy). Additionally, they have one or more of the following traits:

Because of their gaunt frame, Vacuum Genasi suffer a -1 penalty to Strength. But because they do not need to breathe, they've never had to suffer from air-borne illnesses. Consequently, their Constitution is exceptionally hardy and they gain a +1 Constitution bonus. Vacuum Genasi are completely immune to the effects of vacuum whether natural or induced by magic. Since they don't need to breathe, they're also immune to harmful vapors which do their damage by being inhaled. Additionally, they gain a +1 bonus to their saving throws vs. air-based magic every 5 levels. Finally, Vacuum Genasi can create Silence, 15' Radius with themselves in the centre (like the 2nd-level Priest spell) as though they were 5th level casters.

Vacuum Genasi can be Fighters, Mages, Clerics, or Fighter/Mages. They can be of any alignment.

Ability Requirements:

3/18 5/18 5/18 3/18 7/18 3/18

Age and Aging Effects: Same as for normal Genasi

Average Height and Weight: Same as for Air Genasi

Level Limits: