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Wemics are half-human, half-lion. They stand about 3' at the (lion) shoulder, and average 6' in height and 7' in length. Wemics have short, broad noses, with pointed ears and pronounced fangs. Both male and female wemics have very bushy eyebrows and long hair, with the males extending down their back. Male wemics also can grow large, shaggy beards, though this is not usually done by any but elders. Hair color ranges from light tan, through creme and dirty yellow. Male head hair color has a strong red tendency, while females tend towards brown. Wemics eye are usually green or brown, but blue is not rare. Wemics tend to be very aggressive and often run into difficulties in situations requiring tact and guile rather than direct action.

Wemics may become druids, fighters, rangers, magic-users (including specialists), thieves, and multi-classed fighter/druids, fighter/thieves, orranger/druids. Wemic fighters and rangers may use a lance in a charge attack.

Similar to centaurs, a wemic's natural Armor Class is getter than the usual 10 of humanoids. Wemics are naturally Armor Class 8, and wearing leather or padded armor give them an Armor Class of 7. Wemics gain a +1 bonus to AC when wearing armor with a natural protective value of AC 7 or better.

Also like centaurs, wemics gain a 3 step shift on the Encumbrance Limits table. They also have some of the same problems with humanoid buildings, though the wemic's lithe lion body is considerably more flexible than the centaur's equine one, and is thus able to overcome may of the difficulties encountered. Wemics may attack with their front claws (in a manner identical to centaurs) which cause 1-4 points of damage each.

Unlike hybsil and centaurs, wemics are equally at home underground and outside, although most generally prefer the out-of-doors, where they seldom run into any problem related to their body construction and their lack of climbing ability is not a liability. They also tend to dislike water, and few learn to swim.

Wemics speak common and wemic. As they tend to be far-ranging, they often speak several local human dialects. Wemics also have a natural talent for tracking. All wemics with tracking proficiency (including rangers) receive a -2 bonus to all proficiency checks.

Wemics receive a +1 bonus to Strength, but must take a -1 penalty to Wisdom.