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The Werewolf

Starting ability score range:

Adjustment to starting ability score:

Werewolves gets +1 to their Strength and +1 to their Constitution though they will lose 1 points of Charisma and one (1) point of Dexterity.

Allowed classes and level restriction:

Fighter 15
Shaman* 8
*You can find this class in the complete book of humanoid or in the complete Barbarian guide

No classes mixing allowed

Hit dice:

The werewolves gets the normal HD depending on their class. At level one werewolves gets an additional 5 HP instead of their constitution bonus.


Werewolves can be any alignment but most of them are evil or neutral.

Natural Armor Class:

Werewolves have a natural AC of 7.


When they are in their human form, werewolves are a little bit smaller than human (they are about 5 feet tall). During full moon, young werewolves won't be able to control themselves and will try to kill as many people as possible but when they get higher level they will learn to control they metamorphoses. When they metamorphose into their wolf form they have to kill at least one person or creature or they will lose 10% of their total experience (minimum of 500). For each additional creature they kill they will get 500 experience points (only when they can control themselves).

Special attacks:

When werewolves are in their wolf form they can use their claws and teeth to attack. They are allowed to attack three times a turn (2 times with their claws and one with their teeth). Each claws deals 1d6 damages each and his teeth can deliver 3d4 damages every turn. The werewolf can't attack with his teeth if his opponent has an armor made of metal (he can still attack chain mail though).


Werewolves can choose any language when they are created. At level 3 werewolves will learn to talk with normal wolves and will be able to communicate with any creature from the forest at level 7.

Special advantages:

Werewolves get special power as they advances in levels. Below you can find a list of the power that they can get and at what level they will get them:

* All weapon resistance only apply when the werewolf is in his wolf form, when he is in his human form he will still take half the damages he would normally take from the weapon his wolf form is immune from.

If you want your werewolf to reach level 16 or higher you have to use an optional rule. It allows your character to get higher level than the maximum level normally allowed to him. You can find this rule in the DMG (look at the beginning of the races section). I don't know if this rules still exist in the third edition.

Special Disadvantages: