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Krisbain Lyren

Body of an angel, Soul of a demon

Krisbain Lyren"Small, even for an elf, the man who calls himself Krisbain Lyren is not quite 5' 3"... indeed, that seems to be a recurring pattern in him, everything understated and quiet. he moves silently, he talks quietly... he rarely uses flashy entrances or the like... Indeed, the only immediately noticable thing about him, aside from his nontypical unobtrusiveness, is his appearance. He bears a youthful beauty that draws eyes and melts hearts at his mere passing. Those of intelligence will easily realise that it is hardly natural, yet his seeming desire to do good hints at days of evil and darkness, in which the young elf used his incredible beauty and charms to an evil and insidious end... whether those days are past or not, not even Krisbain can say for sure."

Krisbain Lyren is my main character on Mystic Realms. He's an Avariel (winged) elf with a background. I could go on for a page or two about his history, but I say if you want to know about him, come find me on MR!

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