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This site is dedicated to those daring and adventurous expatriate lads and lasses that lived and worked in Jeddah Saudi Arabia for Saudia Airlines in the 70's, 80's, and beyond. Although most of us are now spread to the four corners of the world, we once were part of a select group that was bound together in a way that most people will never know.

The travel, the social life, and above all the comradeship we shared across all cultural and national barriers, was a once in a lifetime experience.

As we carry on with our post Jeddah lives, let this be a common meeting place for us to relive past memories, exploits and friendships, and to never forget that we once shared a golden time together.








Thought for the Day

Diversification is a protection against Ignorance. It makes very little sense for those that know what they are doing.

-Warren Buffet-

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