Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Belle, I was born to a stray kitty name Misty. She sort of adopted my human mommies when they moved where they are now. I get to see her everyday, although she is kept outside. I still get to see her because she comes to the window and looks inside at me. But my human mommies takes good care of me. I also have a big brother his name is Harley and alittle sister named Sierra, you'll get to meet her in a few.
After I was old enough to get out and play with my sisters outside my mommies finally caught me and I just loved being held and loved on. But I was still alittle wild cat (He He!). They tried to bring me inside once, but I cried all night long so they put me back outside and still took good care of me. I started looking like my other sisters so they took finger nail polish and put on one of my ears so they could tell us apart.
Well then one day someone came by a they just loved all of us, well then someone wanted me and of course they couldn't bare letting this little face leave them. So the people was told they could have one of my sisters because I was taken. Then we gave it another shot at being inside, I just loved it because I got to sleep in the bed and I had all kinds of toys to play with. Even that big toy Harley. I was kind of afraid of him to begin with but now I just love my new big brother. I guess it's time for you to meet my little sis Sierra, just follow the next button below. There will be more pics of me to come, as soon as I hold still long enough for them to take them. (hehe!)

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