Welcome to My Smokie's Page. I would like to take this time to introduce a wonderful friend, and pet to you that I loved for 15 years. Her name is Smokie Mountain. She was and is my best friend.
I found Smokie in the pouring rain sitting next to a mailbox, where someone had just put her out on her own. She was only about 6 weeks old at the time. It was in October, so it was getting quite cold outside.
Once I seen her, I just knew I had to pick her up and show her that all people aren't bad. She needed someone to take care of her and to give her the tender loving care that she deserved.
I became Smokie's mommy that night. We grew so close over the years. When she would have a litter of kittens, she would hold off until I came home to sit with her. She would curl up under the blankets to stay warm and to keep me warm at night. She was more than a pet to me. She was my little baby.
If I was down and feeling blue, or hurt, or crying, I could count on Smokie to be there. It just seemed that she always knew how I was feeling. She would come up to me and love on me. She would let me know when she wanted to play. She would run the house wanting me to chase her. I miss her for these times with her. Pointly, I miss her the most for just being her, and having that warm little body lying next to me.
Even in her older days of life she was so spunky. I always used to say it was her twin Smickie that was home at those times. *lol* :)
I'll miss her very much, her and Smickie, I think of her every minute of everyday. People say it will get easier, I just don't know. Perhaps one day, just not right now.
*This site dedicated to the memory of a wonderful kitty named Smokie*

