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canning salt, sugar, water
1 Shred cabbage. Pack shredded cabbage in clean quart glass canning jars and pack down with a clean wooden spoon.
2 Add 1 teaspoon of canning salt and 1 teaspoon sugar to each quart jar.
3 Add boiling water to just cover cabbage.
4 Jars should be only partially sealed for first 3 or 4 weeks.
5 Set in a cool dark place.
6 Some juice flows out during fermentation and it will smell terrible as it ferments.
7 Refill jars after 2 weeks with brine made by adding 1 tablespoon canning salt to 1 pint water.
8 Seal tight and let fermentation continue.
9 Best kraut results when jars are kept at around 70 degrees F. Takes about 4 to 6 weeks for kraut to cure perfectly. Process in boiling water bath 15 minutes. Start counting processing time as soon as jars are placed in actively boiling water.