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Marinade for Game Meat
2-3 Lemons or limes (Juice of)
1 Orange (juice of)
1/2 c. Vinegar
2 c. White Wine or Cider
1 Onion, sliced
1 Carrot, diced
2 sticks Celery, diced or a handful of Celery Leaves
1 clove Garlic mashed into paste
4 sprigs Parsley, chopped
1 Bay Leaf
2 Chili Peppers, seeded and veined
1 dash Nutmeg
In a pan (DO NOT use metal other than enameled ware) put all of the above ingredients and mix well Lay the game meat in this marinade and let it remain for several hours, turning and basting it frequently When the meat is removed from the marinade and placed on the roasting pan for roasting, it may be basted frequently with some of the marinade during the process of cooking. If the meat is a leg of venison, elk, or a moose roast, it should be brushed well with oil or larded before being seared. Bear meat is fatty and needs grease