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Chicken And Dumplings
1 chicken, can of chicken broth - if desired, salt
Cook chicken in salted water till tender. Remove chicken from broth. Cool slightly and remove skin and bones from chicken. Cut chicken into chunks set aside.
3 cups self rising flour
3 tablespoons melted grease
2 eggs beaten
1 1/2 cups milk
Combine milk, eggs, and enough of the flour to make a dough consistency of cake batter. Mix until smooth. Add melted grease and mix well. Add remaining flour until stiff dough is formed. ( will hold a spoon upright when inserted in dough ) Drop dough by teaspoons into boiling broth. If broth stops boiling, let it return to boil before continuuing to drop dough in broth. Continue till all dough is used. Boil for 10 minutes, uncovered. Reduce heat cover and simmer additional 10 minutes. Add chicken pieces. Stir well and serve.