"When it rained tears of blood, were they tears of mine?
I cannot answer your questions, any easier than I can answer my own heart. I live only for Death.. my life, and unlife..existing for the glory of bloodshed and of peace. Contradiction is my shield. Vengeance, is my sword. A living paradox I have become, warped beyond measure, and unique beyond words. What is it that guards my heart, and veils my soul? Why do I hunt like so, this.. untamed venomous rage that exists within me... thirsting for the nectar of fear, and feeding upon the passionate throes of Death's own embrace.
When my heart, pains beyond comparison.. did the skies darken?
Violence alone could not, would not, and shall not ever satiate my desires. I am a living flame, burning without cause.. needing nothing save for my own existence, burning without remorse nor without fear. When Freedom arises to challenge my servitude to Death, do I not laugh? My smile, a slap in the face of Gods. My heart belongs to Death..
Was it my heart, or yours, that beat fast.. when Death arrived, dressed in white?
Why do you wish to dwelve into the mind of a lost soul? To swim through the vast ocean of memories that no longer droll about in endless currents of purpose.. Do you hunger for knowledge, as I once did? Or perhaps.. you too, crave Death as I..
When your eyes lose their glimmer.. does Death smile..
Whether you have journeyed afar, or from near.. it matters not when you search for me. Can you search for me? Or would I search for you? Enter my Mind.. and find out..
..Or do I.."
The Realm - The Flow - The Spirit-Masked Warrior - Scrolls of the Spirit - Into the Arms of Death - E.mail